Death to Society

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(authors note.: Idk if this is short because I'm typing on my phone and can't gauge how far I've gone. but if it is I'm Sowwy)


I bit my tongue as the ice cold wind tore through my body and picked my steps cautiously. This snow covered slope was slippery and rough and I felt my feet and fingers going numb with every second that passed.

My skin went from milk chocolate brown to baby blue and my breaths came in shallow puffs of steam. I pulled the thin jacket closer to me and shivered from the lack of help it was offering.

Silently cursing my situation and feeling a single hot tear roll down my cheek and I knew it was close to the end. My energy was completely depleted and my drive and motivation was slowly dying in the pit of my empty stomach.

I looked around and found a small spot to lay where the snow hadn't touched. Slowly trudging over and softly dropping myself into the dead pine straw and leaves and who knows what else, I laid down and tried to think of happy things. I tried to think of my life back where I used to call home, with my hot boyfriend and good friends. But those memories just came as phony pictures with distant people I didn't really know.

Suddenly my phone pinged and I looked at my pocket, slowly pulling the cursed buzzing thing out in a frozen stupor. I flicked on the light which lit up the dark space made even darker by the night and cover of trees.

The light was a bit too bright for my weary eyes so i had to squint to see the screen but I looked anyway and read the page long text about how my friend Dara missed me and wanted to know where I was and if I was ok and alive and well and BULLSHIT.

Dara was one of my "friends" that made sure the people around her that gave her her popularity stayed around her at all times. Aka ones of the things that I was fed up with. Besides I had only been gone for about three days.....maybe four, I don't know. It was hard to keep up with time while up here in these mountains.

Plus I had gone so far that I passed the green fields dotted with small weed like flowers and the beautiful green mountain side scenery and was now trudging through the snow covered tips. I had no idea how far I went either.....and I didn't care. I was to lost in pain, suffering, hatred, and my own identity crisis to worry about where or how far I was walking.

I even kept going when my beloved irish wolf-hound, Duke, turned around and went back home, barking for me to follow.

I didn't respond to her "hysteric" text message and dropped my phone under the blanket by my leg, curling up in that little spot, wondering what would become of me here. Would I become some amazon chick that lives off the land. Would my family or friends find my lifeless, decaying body up here years from now? Would they even look? Would --

My sadistic thoughts were cut off by a crunching nose, kind of like snapping twigs and crumbling leaves under some creatures heavy foot. I only heard the sound once and it was like everything paused. The water dripping somewhere, the birds, squirrels and other night animals. They all stopped. Even the creature stopped as if it was scolding itself for stepping too loudly.

Then as I let out the breath I had been holding, everything resumed it's normal routine. Except for my heart which was still beating a billion times a minute. I swear it felt as if it was trying to break out of my chest and run away on its own leaving a bloody trail behind so that someone could eventually find the broken corpse it ditched in the snow.

My breaths were shallow again as if I was winded, still, from all that walking (or panicking in this case). So I tried to focus on calming them down which only prompted for my heart to best harder, which, to be honest, was about to make me pass out. I got light headed and I could feel the nonstop beating in my skull.

But as time sulked on, I felt myself slowly calming down, albeit too much as the snow, ice, and cold, cutting winds settled into my very being. I tried to sit up and maybe rub some heat back into my arms and legs but realized I couldn't move. I was literally immobile. And I cried out of sheer fear that this was literally the end. i was only eighteen. I didn't want to die yet. I wasn't ready!

And as I say there crying and dying silently to myself, I heard that sound again and my body froze and the sobs stopped even though the tears continued to fall down my frozen cheeks.

I looked up as much as my neck would allow when I heard the sound getting closer and closer and finally one large hulking shadow emerged from the rest of the shadows cast by trees and whatever else was out there, and it trudged over to me slowly while strong and kind of graceful at the same time.

It came closer and closer to me until it's huge shaded frame stood over me causing my to shiver from the excessive shadow being cast over my small body that was already blue and shivering, my bones clattering and clicking together just like my teeth. And then just as I feared the creature shifted and then two long appendages adorned in fur reached out for me and I passed out from screaming entirely too loud, dropping into darkness and visions of terror.

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