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Leader - Nectarstar - An orange tabby tom with brown eyes.

Deputy - Evergreenfrost - A silver-blue spotted she-cat with green eyes.

Medicine cat - Cloudtuft - An albino tom with a bushy tail.

Silverbounce - A silver bengal she-cat. Apprentice: Marshpaw

Warriors - Blackflame - A black tom with a kind look.

Cedarstrike - A dark brown tabby she-cat with bright blue eyes.

Koipelt - A calico tom with long fur.

Longhiss - A black tom with white spots, and unusually long fangs.

Bright-tulip - A golden she-cat with a tulip earpiece.

Crookedtip - A brown she-cat with white eartufts, and crooked limbs.

Fallingleaf - A brown-orange she-cat with yellow eyes.

Morningcloud - A yellow she-cat with hints of white on her pelt.

Swanfeather - A large white tom. Apprentice: Shadowpaw

Goldenthorn - A small orange tom with a piercing gaze. Apprentice: Applepaw

Archedtail - A gray tom with an arched tail. Apprentice: Lavenderpaw

Stormfur - A dark gray tom with orange eyes.

Owlflight - A brown tabby tom with a scarred eye.

Mouseshade - A dark-brown tom with a long tail. Apprentice: Mintpaw

Smalltail - A dark-brown she-cat with a stub tail.

Primrosepetal - A muscular rose-coloured she-cat. Apprentice: Darkpaw

Apprentices - Marshpaw - A light-brown she-cat.

Mintpaw - A white she-cat with no hind leg.

Shadowpaw - A black tom with a stub tail.

Lavenderpaw - A white she-cat with a extra toe.

Darkpaw - A freckled dark brown tom.

Applepaw - An orange tom with brown spots.

Queens - Dewbriar - A silver tabby she-cat with white socks. (Nursing: Nightkit - A black she-cat, Lark-kit - A bright brown tom.)

Flamepatch - A calico she-cat with a scarred pelt. (Nursing: Lizardkit - A creamy tabby she-cat, with brown stripes.)

Burningflower - A orange she-cat with dark blue eyes. (Nursing: Boarkit -  A dark and bright brown munchkin tabby tom, Ebonykit - A tall dark brown freckled tom,  Leafkit - A brown she-kit with orange spots, Firekit - A small orange tabby tom, Emberkit - A tall orange tom with brown stripes and a creamy belly.)

Elders - Bluepatch - A white she-cat with blue spots.

Berryaster - A rose-coloured she-cat with bright blue eyes.

Cardinalsong - A red tom with black freckles.

Hollowedbark - A dark brown tom with hearing difficulty.


Leader - Tallstar - A massive, black bengal tom with a gray muzzle.

Deputy - Darkthorn - A dark gray tom with long, sharp claws.

Medicine cat - Sunnywing - A golden she-cat with a bright look.

Warriors - Poppygaze - A tortoiseshell tom with large neck scars.

Rainclaw - A silver freckled she-cat.


Leader - Smallstar - A small, white tom with black spots.

Deputy - Gorsemask - An orange tom with a dark brown snout.

Medicine Cat - Tigerfall - A brown tabby tom.


Leader - Moonstar - A white tom with light gray spots.

Deputy - Milkpelt - An albino she-cat.

Medicine Cat - Gingertail - A white tom with a light orange tail.

Warriors - Ivoryleap - An albino she-cat. Apprentice: Redpaw

Apprentices - Redpaw - A tall red tom with torn ears.

           Cats Outside Clans           

Fox - A red tom with a long bushy tail.

Condor - A black tom who delivers catmint to RiverClan.

Dovebreeze - A white-gray rogue tom.


That's over, but this might get updated when a new character comes!

When the plot begins, I'll try to update it to more cats!

Thank you for reading all this! Goodbye, broski!


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