1. Birth.

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Burningflower rushed into the medicine den, her breath heavy. - HELP! - She shouted at the top of her lungs, as she collapsed onto a mossy nest bed. 

Marshpaw hurried over to her side. She didn't know what to do, so she gave the queen a comforting lick and ran over to her mentor. - Silverbounce! Burningflower is giving birth! - Marshpaw alerted the silver medicine cat. Then she ran back to Burningflower's side. 

Silverbounce followed just behind her. - Everything will be alright, Burningflower. Just calm down.

Burningflower nodded, trying to stay calm.

Then it all began.


((Skip, not going to torture you with such disgusting scenery..))

Burningflower panted, as she looked down at her five kittens.

- They all seem healthy. - Marshpaw determined. She didn't know if she was right, but she hoped she was. 

- Because they are. -  Silverbounce mew, as she gave each kitten a lick. - All are healthy. Four of them are male, one is female. - She smiled.

- Thank you, Silverbounce. - Burningflower teared up, looking back at her kittens.

Mouseshade rushed towards the moss nest, licking his mate's forehead. - How are you feeling? 

- Great. - The she-cat responded. - Look at them. Silverbounce says it's one female, the others are male.

- How are we going to name them. - The tom's ears lowered slightly.

- I was thinking.. The little female kit will be named Leafkit. - She looked to the kit, whose fur resembled a brown leaf in leaf-fall. 

- That's a great. And how about the other kits? - He looked to a dark brown tom kit. - Maybe Ebonykit for this one? - He touched the kit's fur with his nose.

Burningflower nodded in return. - Boarkit? - She looked to the dark-brown and light-brown munchkin tabby tom kit. 

- Yes! And this will be Firekit, because of it's orange fur. - He licked the kit, now named Firekit. 

- And Emberkit! - Burningflower looked to the last kitten.

- So, Leafkit, Ebonykit, Boarkit, Firekit and Emberkit! - Silverbounce smiled. - They suit them a lot. 

Two apprentices came running in. Applepaw and Darkpaw. - Mother! - Applepaw nuzzled his mother.

- Hello Applepaw and Darkpaw. How was training? - Burningflower asked, looking at both of her older kits. 

- Great! Primrosepetal is so strong! And so smart! And skilled! And- And! - Darkpaw went off about how his mentor was the best. 

Burningflower chuckled. - And yours, Applepaw?

- Goldenthorn said if I don't stop looking at all the butterflies, he will make me clean the elder's pelts! - Applepaw complained, shuddering.

- Well, you should listen, instead of looking at all the butterflies. They are colourful, yes, but you have to train to be a good warrior. Just like your grandfather! - Mouseshade tried scolding Applepaw.

Silverbounce stood to her paws. - Well, Burningflower has to rest. Please leave. - At that, the three cats left. 

- They all look so cute! - Marshpaw mew with a high-pitched voice. She was watching the newborn kittens for a while now.

- Thank you, Marshpaw. They will be great warriors for RiverClan. - Burningflower smiled, resting her head on the moss nest. 

- Alright, let's let Burningflower rest. - Silverbounce shoo-ed Marshpaw off onto the nests for the medicine cats, while she went to tell Cloudtuft, the second medicine cat, about what happened. 

The queen, and kittens slept peacefully, and deeply.


Dang, I really decided continue this with much confidence. Maybe the chapter isn't long enough, but hey! At least it's here. 

Finished it in around 15-20 minutes? 

Anyways, thank you for reading, and goodbye!

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