Chapter 5

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The Harbinger woke up due to the sound of the door opening and turned his head towards said door to see a who had entered his 'prison cell'. He expected that he would be greeted by the sight of Kazuha or Beidou or maybe even Kaeya, but, to his surprise, he saw a blond man he did not know come in and gently shut the door behind him. Sitting upright, Scaramouche brought a hand to his hair and tried to fix it, as the blond approached him and sat at the end of the bed.

Scaramouche used that moment of silence to take a good look at the man, who he assumed he was expected to know. He was not much taller than himself and had quite the pretty face, decorated by a few strands of his blond hair that fell in front of his face. Bright teal eyes stared at the puppet as he thought of what he was planning to say to the Balladeer. After taking a deep breath he started. "Listen, I can try to help you leave, but you owe an explanation. I personally never liked Diluc, so I don't care about what you did to him, but the others, especially Kaeya, care. And even though we're friends, I can't turn my back on them, but I don't want to turn against you either, so give me at least one reason to side with you."

Saying that the indigo-haired man didn't understand a thing wouldn't be far from the truth. He knew not who this Diluc guy is or what he was accused of, the only thing on his mind was how to make this guy help him and he hoped that a fake apology would do the trick. "I know what happened with Diluc was shitty on my part, but I really need to get out of here. I'm really sor-"

Scaramouche was interrupted by the blond grabbing him harshly by the shoulders and pulled him closer to see him better, a slightly angry look was evident on his face. In response, the puppet only looked at him confused, trying to understand what caused this reaction. Shortly after, he heard a short laugh from the blond, who let go of his shoulders slowly. "Incredible." He muttered quietly.

"What's so incredible?"

"You're not Kunikuzushi. The similarity is incredible." He said.

Scaramouche did not expect that he would give himself away that easily and he couldn't tell what he did wrong in such a short amount of time. At least he could be a bit more honest with someone, he thought. "How could you tell?" He asked, not wanting to make the same mistake again.

"It takes one to know another, I suppose." The explanation he was given shed much less light into the situation than what he expected.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." After a short pause he continued. "Pardon me, I forgot to introduce myself... You can call me Albedo. May I ask why you are pretending to be Kunikuzushi? Do you know where he is?"

"Kazuha found me and thought I was him, so I just went along with it since I was chased by the police." He explained, as briefly as he could.

"I see." Albedo replied, disappointed he didn't get any intel on his friend's whereabouts. "You said you want to leave, right?" Scaramouche merely nodded to that.

"Alright, I'll figure something out. Actually, the captain probably already thinks of letting you go, so no need to fret. It would be best if you kept up acting like Kunikuzushi, though, as I don't know how they'll react to someone random being in here. Can you do that?"

"I thought I could, but you figured me out instantly, so they might as well." The Harbinger admitted.

"They'll buy it, trust me." The blond contemplated for a minute if he should say what was on his mind and he figured that it wouldn't matter much, since the man before him was going to leave soon. "Listen, you can't let anyone know, but I'm not who they think I am either and I've been doing this for much, much longer and they never suspected a thing. So, nobody will figure you out. Got it?"

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