the return of big kuu

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Now who the hell is ringing my doorbell at 2 in the morning? They better have a good reason or I'm going to-

IT'S KUSUKE! ANGER DISSOLVED! He hasn't come to visit me in a few years, apparently he's been caught up in his school in England. He still likes to jump scare me by hacking into my phone to say hi, but either way I missed him! It's been forever!

"KUU YOU'RE BACK IN JAPAN?" I ask, running up to hug him.

Hugging me back he says, "I am, but only for a bit unfortunately! Never mind that, may I come in? We have to catch up!"

I step back into my house, letting him in and locking the door once my porch is empty. I start a pot of coffee and grab a slice of leftover cake for him.

"What brings you back here? Are you finally done with university?" I question as I set down the dessert in front of him on the coffee table.

Chuckling, he says, "Oh, no no! I fear I'm stuck there for a few more years, hah. I came down to visit family— and you, of course!" and eyes the cake before continuing, "Say, would you like to go on a quick trip? I think somewhere more secluded would suit the occasion better." He seems to be eyeing my window, but I don't see anything and just take his word for it. Wouldn't want any window-peepers watching our reunion.

I shrug, "Sure, just let me put the coffee in cups then" and start walking towards the kitchen.


So since when was flying to England a "quick trip"? Was there a memo I didn't get?

"Kuu... you know you're my best friend who I adore.. but what the fuck man." I say, looking up at the massive university he's taken me to.

He smiles proudly, resting his hand on my shoulder, "This is where I've been studying! You can take the week off of school, correct? I'm sure the tutors here could teach you the entire year's curriculum in a day if I asked them to, so you won't be missing much!"

God he's such a dork I can't help but return the grin. "Yeah, I guess I could. What about Mom though?" I ask, remembering my poor mother who will probably have a heart attack if she finds out I went on an impromptu trip to England.

"No need to worry, my dear Y/N, she actually knew about my plans to take you here before I even landed in Japan!"

Is he serious? I can't help but giggle as I process his words, "Well, let's get on with it then. I expect princess treatment though. Or else I'm going to tell your mom on you."

He gulps and nods, "Loud and clear.."

Come to find I didn't need to threaten him, he got me a hotel room with a nice bed and all the snacks a girl could ask for. To think that Kusuo says he isn't a gentleman.

Ugh well now I'm annoyed, I shouldn't have thought about Kusuo while I'm on vacation. Kusuke left for a "lab emergency" so of course I immediately trashed my mood. Whatever, Kuu will be back eventually. I guess I should just sleep while I wait.

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