Chapter 1: A Very boring dinner

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Lilith!”She jumped slightly from her chair. It was her mother sitting across from her, trying to get her to pay attention while she was busy playing with her pitch black locks of hair. She glanced up to make unwanted eye contact with Queen Eleanor. She was there to try and convince her parents that Lilith and her son were a “perfect match” in her words. “Well, as I was saying, this could not only benefit our kingdom, but yours as well. Isn’t that right dear?” Queen Eleanor asked, nudging her husband, who clearly wasn’t paying much attention either. He clearly looked uncomfortable but he played along. “Yes! Our son would be a wonderful match to your dear daughter and it would make for great trading opportunities between our kingdoms.” He said so quickly his words started to sound jumbled up. ‘Wonder how long he rehearsed that’, Lilith thought to herself.

“Lilith, why don’t you tell them about your lessons with the guards.” Her father said, cutting into a piece of meat on his plate. “Guards!? What do you mean lessons with the guards?”The queen said, eyes going wide. “Well, I’m having self defense lessons with the guards in my free time. It’s only a precaution and I just started them about a week or two ago.”Lilith said, sitting up because she finally got to talk about something that interests her. Queen Eleanor laughed at that. “No lady of a royal family should concern herself with such things. The guards are here for a reason, to protect you. And what if you and your fragile self gets hurt?”She said, giving an almost sympathetic look to Lilith. 

Lilith now felt slightly embarrassed and as if she couldn't breath, although she also couldn’t imagine why. She assumed it was the corset and the long sleeves in the mid summer air. She insisted that she could wear short sleeves but her mother said that she had to make a good impression with the royal family of the kingdom of Lothian. She had no interest in this prince, nor the others that were set up to marry her but she knew she had to pick someone soon.

Lilith snapped back to reality again and said, “Although I appreciate your concern, you don’t need to worry about that. I’m quite capable of taking care of myself, your majesty.” After this, the queen gave her a very unhappy look but Lilith brushed it off. She had become familiar with royals and nobles becoming irritated with her but Lilith did always eventually manage to get them on her side. Whether they liked it or not.

She had still not heard a single word come from the prince’s mouth. Although, she wondered whether she had really cared, or whether she really wanted to hear anything from him. The dinner ended shortly and as they were saying their goodbyes,Lilith tried her best to come up with an excuse not to have to talk to the Queen again. She knew that would most likely turn into a very lengthy conversation that would eventually lead to a scolding and she wasn’t up for that at this point in time. “I’m so very sorry but I’m afraid I’m feeling slightly fatigued. I’m going to step out into the garden to get some fresh air.” She said in her most polite princess voice then quickly ran out into the fenced off garden. 

Lilith was quickly accompanied by some guards that had followed her from the dinner. She assumed her father had sent them after her to make sure she was ok but she had no intention of acknowledging them. As she walked, her long, white dress dragged behind her and got caught on something, a bush. She walked back to untangle her dress from the branches of the small bush but she heard a noise coming from behind her. The prince suddenly came into view, smiling. “I’m very sorry for my mother. She can be a little…” He paused trying to find the right words. “Irritating?” Lilith finished his sentence for him. “Yes! Very irritating indeed! But I for one found it quite valiant of you to have those lessons with the guards.”

Lilith smiled as they continued to walk and talk in the dimly lit garden. “Oh Alexander!” They both heard a very high pitched voice scream from the doors to the castle. It was the prince’s mother calling for them to go for the night. “Well, it seems I have to go. I guess I shall see you soon, princess.”The prince said, taking her hand and kissing it. “I guess so, your highness.”Lilith answered, smiling. He started to walk away then suddenly turned back. “Oh before I forget, I have something for you.”He said, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a bracelet that was decorated with jewels and gems. 

“Thank you but I couldn’t possibly accept this. It’s beautiful!”Lilith protested, looking at the bracelet in awe. “As is the girl I’m giving it to.”He said, then walked away. “Thank you.”She whispered to herself, knowing he would not hear but still saying it. Lilith smiled to herself and twirled as she held the bracelet in a sort of embrace. She slipped the bracelet on her wrist and looked at it for a good portion of time. 'Like it was meant to be there ' she thought to herself.

She had almost completely forgotten that she wasn't alone in the garden until one of the guards spoke up. "Your majesty, if I may interrupt, your father wants you to go back inside to your room." The other guard looked as if they were waiting for something. " My father can wait for another minute or two. Tell him I wish to stay out here a little longer " Lilith said, shooing the guards away to go tell him. Only, they didn't move. " Did I not just say to go tell my father something? I said go!"She had enough of these fools for one night. Actually, now that she was thinking about it she had never seen these guards before.

"Who are you two?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at them. "What do you mean princess? We are loyal guards to the royal family of Devontae.", One of the guards replied, looking nervous. " No, you're not. Who are you really?" Lilith questioned 

Suddenly, two hands grabbed her from behind and then everything went dark…

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