Chapter 20: A Forgotten past

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"What..."Lilith didn't know what to say. Who was this woman? What was she talking about?

"You heard me sweetheart, I'm your mother, and you're a magic user." The woman said, smiling. She looked so genuinely happy. Was she telling the truth? "Magic user!? What are you going on about? I've never used magic in my life!" Lilith said, finally letting Silvia go."No! Don't say another word you witch!"The queen yelled.

"Haven't you ever wondered why these people were so cold to you? Haven't you ever seen how they flinch when you so much as move?" The woman said as if reciting it. Was she planning this?

"How did you-" Lilith started. "Because I am just like you. An outcast in this place. They're all scared of you. They fear your powers and want to rid the world of you " the woman announced.

Lilith looked back at Silvia, Gabe, and Faye. They were all terrified but Silvia still reached out for Lilith's hand. This was a sort of sign to tell Lilith she was there for her. Lilith shook her head, her eyes tearing up and her hand not letting go of Silvia's.

"You are not of real royal blood. The queen took my child, in hopes they could keep her magic from her. I sensed your powers and came here straight away. For the first time in 20 long years, my dear daughter is finally ready." The woman's eyes were now glassy as if she was going to cry.

"Ready? Ready for what?" Lilith questioned. "For you to finally know the whole truth. To unlock your magic. To finally except yourself and your magic." The woman said, walking up to Lilith.

"What powers? What kind of magic do I have anyway?" Lilith asked. "All. Any kind of magic you can think of! That's why we are so feared. We can wipe anyone out with the snap of our fingers. Just now, you were so wrapped up in your own world you didn't even notice, but you used your powers." She said, grabbing Lilith's shoulder.

Silvia squeezed Lilith's hand harder. Lilith turned to find Silvia smiling back at her. "Our powers can make it hard for people like us to find a place in the world. I can see you already found yours and though." She said, looking between Silvia and Lilith.

They both smiled at each other. "Get away from her! She is the future of this kingdom! You can't take her! Not now!" The queen called out once again but this time Lilith's mother snapped her fingers, making roped appear, tying her up. "Try it my child" She said, now holding both Lilith's shoulders.

Lilith took a look at the queen, the woman who tortured and tormented her for years was sitting in front of her. She was the reason Lilith was put in this hell hole in the first place.

Before Lilith could figure out what was going on, red light grew around her and the queen was being lifted into the air. The guard's swords levitated , glowing red and pointed right at her. She squirmed in the air, pleading for mercy, but Lilith was too consumed by her emotions.

Silvia didn't know what to do. She wanted the queen dead but she didn't want anger and power to consume the woman she loved. She stepped forward and put her hand on Lilith's shoulder. "Lilith! Don't do this! I hate the royal family almost as much as you but you can't stoop to their level!"

She called out to Lilith, pleading for her to stop. Lilith's eyes went back to their original green color and she fell back a little. Silvia caught her smiling as Lilith looked at her. The queen fell along with the swords. "She was just about to do it! She was about to say leash her true power!" Her mother yelled.

"Good! We can get someone else to teach her magic! Someone not as crazy and power-hungry!" Silvia snapped back, holding Lilith tightly. "Go away." Lilith said, standing straight again. "Dear, I advise you to not test me. I am much stronger than you and have years more practice." Lilith's mother yelled.

"Fine than. This shouldn't be a problem for you than." Lilith stated, walking up to her mother. " Lilith don't!" Silvia said, reaching out for Lilith's hand. "I'll be fine. Trust me " She said, kissing her on the cheek.

"Ok..." Silvia said, letting go of her hand. Lilith stood in front of her mother, ready to kill. She summoned up that anger from before. The same anger that helped her nearly kill both of the rulers of the kingdom.

Red appeared all around them, surrounding Lilith's mother like a tornado. Tons of red smoke rising and disappearing from her. "Smoke? Child it will take far more than that to-" Her mother stopped mid sentence. "What did you do!? What did you do to me you stupid girl! I gave you everything! All your power and you've taken mine!" She yelled, looking at her hands like she was terrified.

Lilith genuinely had no idea what she had done. "What...", "How did you do this? You took my magic!" She cried. "How did I-" Lilith looked at her own hands now. "It doesn't matter. We need to get out of here." Silvia said, trying to drag Lilith out of the room.

"Wait. I want to try something." She said, pulling her hand away. She imagined a a cage surrounding her mother and just like that, it appeared. She smiled to herself, knowing she had the higher ground now.

Guards burst through the doors, trapping Lilith and her friends. Lilith stepped forward and cast a giant shield over them, like the ones Gabe uses but it was weak because she was still adjusting to her powers. "Gabe! I need your help!" She yelled.

Before long, someone stepped right next to her and she could feel the shield getting stronger. She looked over to find a smiling Gabe. "Silvia, Faye, when this force field goes down, I need you both to take out those guards!" She looked back to find both of them nodding.

Her and Gabe let the shield fall. Silvia and Faye ran forward, pulling out their swords. Lilith couldn't make out much other than sparks flying, blood, and Gabe's force fields.

Soon after, she fought off a couple guards, she looked around to find all her friends safe, but a little bloody.

Silvia was breathing heavily, looking at Lilith smiling.

"What now, Princess?..."

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