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hyunjin stared at his blank paper in front of him, zoning out as one does when they don't know what to do. the teachers voice was tuned out by now, his mind unable to focus on anything other than the nothingness that was in front of him.

"what are you doing?" changbin whispered over to him. the classroom they were sharing was silent as they all listened to the lecture, the boy not wanting to disrupt the mood of the room. changbin scanned hyunjins eyes that were clearly not in focus of anything to his lined paper that was pointing perfectly straight at him.

hyunjin let out a sigh, finally lifting his pen to write the date and start, "responding to the letter this person gave me." he turned the paper, breaking the perfected position on the table and ruined its clean slate.


thanks for leaving that letter in my locker,
i didn't see it as creepy or anything; just
taken aback. i guess i never realized
people could take an interest in me upon first glance.

who are you? why do you want to keep
your identity a secret? i won't share my
name unless you do— it only seems fair..
it'll probably make it more fun, right? since you want this letter passing to be something cute..?

i am pretty new to this school. i came here near the end of last year so i'm still not aware of
a lot of things that roam and circle around. (just like you, haha)
i feel weird that i can't compliment you or anything because of the circumstances; your letter was decorated really cutely though, guess it shows the type of person you are.

are you a guy? a girl? have you been stalking me ever since trying to figure out who i'm friends with? haha, this is so weird— who
are you mystery person??! are conversations
getting too old for you?
my locker is 2134, in case you forget.

- H

class ends with a ring as the motionless kids finally begin to move again, leaving the class to repeat the same cycle for another hour.

changbin stood next to hyunjins desk, watching him fold his letter before he stands up with him to exit the class together.

"is this okay— wait do i even wanna ask you?" hyunjins hand was now in the air which leaned closer in front of changbin, indirectly meaning to take the note and review his work. before hyunjin could rethink, changbin grabs the thin paper and opens it up.

the two walked down the halls slowly as changbin read, "this sounds so gay. don't tell me you're falling for this letter thing!" changbin's tone was accusatory which didn't stop hyunjin from blushing in embarrassment as he thought about his corny words on a paper.

hyunjin snatched his paper back from changbin before he could get a strong enough grip. the two played a game of tug of war in a millisecond, hyunjin winning his melodramatic words back in his possession; it caused him to crumble it a bit, feeling disappointed this was gonna be his first impression to this unknown person.

"this whole anonymous thing will start to annoy me if i don't find out who they are soon." hyunjin rolled his eyes, brushing off changbin's comments.

"are there really no clues or anything on their first letter? man, what happened to just going up to people and complimenting them?" changbin let out a laugh to himself.

"shut up, when i first talked to you, you almost punched me."


hyunjin scoffed in fake disbelief, managing to let out a laugh at changbin's rise of volume in the busy halls, "i was in front of you."

"okay.. i—i just didn't have my glasses on. it's your fault." changbin continued to defend himself so that he wasn't in the wrong.

the two separated naturally onto their next class before they were late. hyunjin scanned the lockers carefully, sliding in his folded up paper in 2626, just like the person told them to if they ever wanted to get back to them.

his heart raced in anticipation, thinking of the next letter he would eventually get.

FROM, ME - hyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now