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hi felix.
if you baking me brownies will equal to meeting you, i'll take them any day! send them my way!
flirting doesn't come easy to me, you know? i think the fact having to write it down makes it easier— i cant stutter or anything! you seem so intriguing, i hope you know that. i guess that's why i feel so compelled to keep you around.
it doesn't matter how you look, i think i'd fall for you either way; i can't explain the feeling i get about you. i'm simply following my gut.

i am in fact friends with a few people, but they're pretty lame if you ask me ..
i'm sure you know them though, it's a small school— or at least you've been here for years, you probably know a lot of people in our class.
i'm surprised you haven't seen them around me in school. have you ever been near me in school after sending your first letter? were you scared i was gonna find out who you are?

i really wanna know who you are, felix.
let's meet soon, okay?


"what do you mean you found his instagram?!" hyunjin pushed minhos shoulder lightly in shock. minho shrugged his shoulders, failing to hold back a small chuckle from his reaction.

"how else can i say that i found AN INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT?" minho emphasized his last few words to make it clear he was being sarcastic. hyunjin rolled his eyes, looking over at jisung to back him up, receiving a toothy smile and an playful eye roll. jisung didn't know either.

hyunjin stammered on his words, "well, are you gonna tell me it?" minho instantly shook his head.

"i told jeongin i wouldn't tell any of you— plus he's private so it won't be much help." minho smiled cheekily at hyunjin, loving the fact that he knows everything and hyunjin doesn't.

jisung tapped minhos shoulder across the table as if he needed to say something urgently, "can i know? please!" he begged, wanting in on the fun of teasing his friend. he shot a small pout and doed his eyes in hopes it would break minhos secrecy and give in. all minho did was shake his head, being serious about not breaking jeongins trust.

minho crossed his arms and laid back into his chair, "when are you meeting this guy anyways? did you even ask in your cheesy letters?" minho looked over at hyunjin with a furrowed brow. his curiosity gleamed contrasting from his short and bland texts he always shared with them.

hyunjins eyes looked up at the ceiling as he thought for a moment, "yeah i did ask, i'm just waiting for a response." he shared with them as he recalled the last letter he left in their friends locker.

jisung shook his head as if hyunjin said something vulgar, "YOU ASKED? YOU DIDNT TELL HIM?" jisung freaked out.

hyunjin could only let out a small chuckle finding his behavior so animated-like. minhos airy laugh could be heard following him, pointing at jisung to make it known he was laughing at him, not with him.

"i cant order anyone to do anything! if he doesn't wanna meet, then we won't." hyunjin defended himself, disregarding jisungs guileful questions that failed to work.

minho nodded, unclear who he was agreeing with, "if someone you don't know told you to do something, would you agree so easily?" he spoke, now making it known he was on hyunjins side of the argument.

jisung shook his head no, making the two scoff in a playful manner as jisung mindlessly went against his own ideas, "okay— not tell him to meet forcefully but, i don't know— setting up a time and place to meet? if he didn't wanna show up he can still choose not to but at least it's a way to meet! do you wanna keep trying to examine all these people?"

minho added, "jisungs making sense actually, aren't you tired of these letters already?"


Hii, Hyunjin~
How are you? Have you been feeling well?
It's getting a little colder, I hope you're staying warm and such! Wish I could give you hugs and cuddles hehe ^_^ Are you a person who likes physical touch? I think that's my love language!

Why don't you share a lot about yourself? I wanna get to know you! Should I give you questions to answer? I am curious about a few things but— I don't know!
Are you waiting until we meet? That could be for a while..

Honestly Hyunjin, I know you mentioned that you're following your gut and such but I just don't want this to end. I mean, we just started sharing notes, why end so early? Im also a little afraid to show you who I am. Can you blame me? What if seeing my face just changes your whole mind!
Insecurity is something Ive struggled with— still am just a little! Nothing too heavy but you understand, right?
I don't know. I'm sorry.


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