Chapter 11

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How does one measure the success of training? Like what actually makes a good boy? I am a good boy, I know that - I have a name badge now. A sparkly green one that I made in a fit of rebellion one night at three in the morning with glitter, permanent marker and a whole load of safety pins.

It read 'Reuben Good Boy'.

But that was self-certified. A gift of stubborn pride I'd given myself to prove to my Daddy and my Master that I was indeed the bestest boy there ever was. Now, stepping away from Delusional Reuben's thoughts for just a second, Rational Reuben needed some more clarity.

When was training complete? When did Nolan step back and think 'Yup, smashed that ass, I've moulded a Reuben Good Boy and my services are no longer needed!'? When did Daddy step back and say 'I've fallen in love with my good boy all over again, fuck, he's amazing!'?

At what point was I... fixed?

That was a question I'd been asking myself more and more lately. Like when I was pooping on the toilet and throwing toilet-paper planes over the glass divide and into the shower. Or when I was at the park watching Mister Hopper fight his sister Agnes over inheritance corn. Or in class counting the wispy hairs clinging to my Professor's mostly bald head.

It was a question that sprung to mind every time Daddy swept his fingers through my hair and praised how well I was doing at the end of every day. When Nolan winked and grinned after every punishment, praising me for accepting his discipline so well now- for the most part.

But the question was also accompanied by feelings of dread.

Just a little bit.

I don't want this to end.

At first I'd been so unsure. I didn't like Nolan - well everything aside from his gorgeous good looks of course. Plus, knowing that Maseo and I's relationship hung on the line of the success of my training, also didn't help that anxiety. If I was being perfectly honest, I hadn't wanted to be the most cooperative in the beginning out of spite, because I was angry at the world and at myself.

Now, it was different.

Two weeks had passed and we'd found a rhythm between the three of us. One that worked so well, I had almost forgotten how things had been before Nolan entered the picture. In the mornings I'd greet my Doms and Maseo would cook us breakfast while Nolan helped me with any last minute homework before class.

Then Nolan would make me lunch while Daddy dressed me and himself for work.

We'd leave together, Daddy driving me to college and Nolan going off to fill his time with visiting the gym, working at the club for Matt or doing other unknown and mysterious things men like him did with their spare time.

I usually went to the park or flipped off my neighbours or rearranged my collectables into precariously sexy poses like a normal person. Nolan was weird.

When I returned from class later on in the afternoon, Nolan would have cooked dinner waiting for Daddy and I and we'd eat together. Sometimes we'd even go out for dinner in town when I was on my bestest behaviour. Rare, but entirely fun when it happened - especially when I got to choose the restaurant.

At home, we'd work on refining my discipline a little bit if I was feeling up to it, revisiting the basics of submission under Nolan's strict guidance. If I was feeling particularly spicy, I'd mess up on purpose, just so that he'd put me in my place.

He'd started swatting my butt or my thighs when I rebelled too much and pushed him too far and I absolutely freaking loved the bite of the pain and the sexy, angry-dom glare he'd grace me with when he did it. Being naughty was so rewarding! Who'd have ever thought?!

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