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SIA NEVER WOULD HAVE HAD DOUBTS. The job used to sound nearly impossible. But, now that they knew the real part, it seemed to her that it was impossible. Apparently Inej thought so too. She knew the risks and, more than that, she had no intention in kidnapping an alleged Saint. Most of all, though, the Menagerie would never let her leave Ketterdam.

When she saw her jump out Kaz's window, Sia knew he wasn't giving up. "Inej!" she called after her. Her friend stopped and turned to her, removing her mask. "What's happened?"

"He won't stop. He's got no plan but he still won't give up now that Pekka's in the race."

Sia looked down, pinching her nose. "We can't go without you."

"You'll have to. The Menagerie won't let me go and this could be your ticket out of Ketterdam and away from Pekka. It's only a matter of time before he finds out about your place with Kaz. When he finds out, he'll do anything to get you off his side." She considered Inej's words but shook it off.

"No. with us gone there's no telling what Heleen will make you do." she turned abruptly and walked away.

"Where are you going?" she called after her.

"I'm talking to him. Who knows? Maybe my charm will finally work on him." without waiting for Inej to stop her, she climbed up the trellis of the club and slipped through the window. When she entered the bedroom, she saw Kaz looking through the peephole in his door. She knew he heard her.

"Inej, listen I..." he stopped when he saw Sia standing in his room. He sighed and dropped his head.

Sia let go of the fact that she was finally able to convince him it was not her. "You can't do this. You can't go."

"You too?" He sounded almost disappointed.

"Kaz, we both know that this job is impossible. Especially without Inej." she walked closer to him. "Look, I want that kruge as much as you do. We all have our reasons, Kaz." she lingered on that last part a bit. "But this won't work."

Kaz looked down at her. His face was hard but his eyes were softer. She might have thought that his mind had been changed. "What's yours?" Sia blinked at the question.


"Why do you want to go?" He moved closer towards her.

"It's not about me, Brekker." she insisted.

"I know for a fact that you don't want to only go for the kruge, Fox." he narrowed his eyes and moved closer. "What are you hiding?"

Sia never felt nervous until now. Her gaze wandered down as she nervously fiddled with her hair. Kaz's eyes followed and he opened his mouth to say something before the sound of heavy footsteps came from the other room. Their eyes both shot up to the noise and Sia tensed at the two tall men that entered the office.

They stood side by side facing Sia and Kaz. With a quick glance between the latter, Kaz picked up his cane and hit the man on the left straight in the stomach while Sia held her hands up to string the pocket watch of the other around his neck. The man quickly lunged for her before she could even turn him red and she dodged out of the way. She quickly pulled her dagger out and went to attack him, but saw Kaz's face get smashed onto his desk.

"Kaz!" she shouted. The distraction gave the man enough time to attack her and he knocked her to her knees. The fight was over quicker than she had hoped so she tried to put her hands together to use her powers again. She was abruptly stopped when the man grabbed her wrists, touching her bare skin with his. She gasped and all air was taken from her lungs. She lost control of her body and her knees gave out. Memories flashed before her open eyes: a shout, her father, his blurry face, him beating her, the firm grip on her wrists, the training. She was vaguely aware of Kaz's shout for her as she was held pale and almost limp in the man's grip. She snapped back into the moment as she looked up to see another man walk in. Pekka Rollins. Her breath faltered and she could see Kaz struggle at the sight of him.

the Reason ~ Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now