Part 1: Chapter 1: U.A Entrance Exam

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Hana's Pov:

Hana rushed out of bed and down the stairs into the kitchen where her family was having breakfast. Today was the day!

"Someone's excited," murmured her brother, his mouth full of food. She just ignored him.

Shota came over and ruffled her raven hair. "Is my blossom excited for the big day," he chuckled. Hana grinned back at her dad. They had the same hair but she inherited her eyes and attitude from the one and only Hizashi Yamada.

"Too bad I can't also go," groaned Shinso.

Shota sighed. "Your the one with this big plan on getting into the hero course by another way even though the principal did offer both of you positions in the hero course." He glared at his two children who just sheepishly grinned back at him.

Hana quickly stuffed her face with her breakfast and said, "I'm ready," with her mouthful.

"Not so fast, young lady, your hair is a mess, you aren't changed and you don't have your scarves yet," Shota pointed out. Shinso laughed as his sister runs upstairs and quickly grabs everything. She comes back down the stairs, gear all set. "Now I'm ready."

Shota sighs and grabs his gear and car keys. "Shinso, we might be back late, same with Hizashi. If we aren't back at 6pm, feel free to start dinner." The purplehead nods. The siblings other father had left early to prepare the entrance exam.

Hana grinned as she slid into shotgun and thought about her life as it would come. She was going to become a hero like her dads and keep her promise to her childhood friends!

(Time skip brought to you by Hana talking Shota's ear off who seriously needs a coffee rn)

Her dad dropped her off a block away from the school. She didn't want anyone to know she was the daughter of Erasurerhead and Present Mic. She walked up to the gate of U.A. It has always been her dream to go here like her parents and she was finally achieving it!

She noticed a blob of green hair to her left and walked over to the boy. "Hi, I'm Hana..." If she said Aizawa, he would find out about her parents. "Yamada," she finished, stating her dad's maiden name.

"Oh hi, I'm Izuku Midoyra," the greenhead replied.

"Are you excited?"

"You kidding? It's been my dream to attend here! Who's your favourite hero? Mine's All Might!"

"Uh..." She never really thought about it even though being surrounded by heroes. "Hawks..."

"Nic-" Izuku started but was cut off by another kid who's arms were going at a perfect 90 degree angle. "Best not be late for the exam! Come on!" he cried. Hana and her new-found friend ran into the hall before it started.

Sitting in the middle of the room, next to Izuku, Hana found herself surrounded by young anxious students. She smirked when her dad hopped on stage.

"Hello everyone!" yelled Present Mic, using his quirk to send his voice throughout the whole threate. Hana noticed Izuku had started taking notes in a book. She couldn't help but notice the ash blonde boy who was sitting a few rows away staring at them. Izuku in particular. Hana smiled. She was gonna pass and help Izuku no matter what so he could connect the blonde.

Liking her plan, she turned her attention to Present Mic who had started explaining the exam. Hana smiled, fiddling with her grey scarf. Piece of cake.

When Present Mic dismissed everyone, she jumped in the same car as Izuku and was carried away to the exam grounds. She noticed the glasses guy who had scammed them inside from before and a brown hair girl who she'd seen walk away from Izuku before she had approached him. She smiled. This was going to be fun.

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