A/n + Prologue

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Bit of information before you start the story. This is my second fanfic so it might be bad, the chapter lengths will vary because I already have a chapter over 5,000 words long, this is probably 13+ because it does mention things like sex and other stuff (just going with the flow) There may be some incorrect things from episodes because I don't have access to the episodes but have seen them all except for the movies and Valentines Day special.

In this world, boys can get pregnant (don't want to have an omega/ alpha story so it won't be that)
Dabi and Hawks are 20
Shigaraki and Twice are 17
Endeavour is nicer than the series.
Aizawa and Endeavour are friends (will be explained)
There is no Mineta (not allowing that creep into my story)
This story is mostly based around my oc which I made but she is trying to get her ships to happen (the is boy x boy so if ya homophobic then don't bother reading any of my fanfics unless if you can accept it and get over it)
There may be some other info that I'm forgetting at the moment but the show must go on ;) - A/n

12 years before Chapter 1 takes place

Hana was at the park with her brother Shinso and her dad, Shota. Even though she was a bright kid, her only friends were her brother and her All Might plushie.

Sitting on a swing, going back and forth, the three year old's peace was interrupted by another kid. "Hi, I'm Keigo!"

Hana looked up to see a boy with blonde hair and giant red wings standing over her. He looked about five years older then her and had a giant smile on his face. "What's your name?"

"H-hana..." she mumbled, looking down at her hands.

"Hi Hana, want to be friends?" Keigo asked. She looked at him in shock. Nobody never wanted to be friends with her because she had two dads and no quirk.

"Are you sure?" She asked. "I don't have a quirk yet and I have t-two dads."

"So?" Keigo didn't look disgusted or disappointed. "Most kids don't develop quirks until they're atleast six and you're three. And don't worry, I also like boys too." He smiled. Hana found herself grinning back. This kid's smile and energy was contagious.

"Come on!" Keigo grabbed her and flew them to the top of the playground where they could see all of the park.

They chatted about their lives from a while when they heard a commotion. Peaking through the bars, they could see a white hair lady bringing four other kids over to the park before going to sit with Hana's dad and talk to him.

Keigo looked over at Hana and grinned. He stood up and called over to the new kids. "Come up here!"

The new kids ran over and climbed the playground, the oldest being Keigo's age, the youngest around Hana's.

"Hi," said the girl as she reached the top. "I'm Fuyumi. These are my brothers, Touya, Natsuo and Shoto." She pointed at each of them.

"Hi, I'm Keigo and this is Hana," said Keigo.

"Your hair is pretty," Shoto whispered to Hana, sitting next to her. "Can I braid it, Fuyumi won't let me braid hers." Hana nodded and let Shoto play with her hair.

Touya was sitting next to Keigo, their shoulders bumping each other, Keigo's wings wrapping around the both of them.

"You guys are so cute together," Fuyumi squealed at the boys who blushed.

"And it would work because Touya likes boy-" Natsuo started but his mouth was smothered by Touya but it was too late. Hana had heard it.

"Ooo, so does Keigo! When you two grow up, you should get married and we'll all be invited!" She squealed, sending the boys brighter red.

Touya shuffled closer to Keigo. "Do you want to do that?" He asked.

Keigo nodded. "As long as we all stay friends forever!"

"Yes!" Squealed everyone.

And the promise was kept until something happened...

2 years later.

Hana was at the Todoroki's house with Shota, letting Shoto braid her thick hair. Touya and Keigo were sitting under a tree, talking about what they would do as heroes and Shinso was playing ball with Natsuo and Fuyumi. Shoto wasn't talking so Hana was listening into Endeavour and Shota's conversation.

"I heard you found out Hana had two quirks, congrats," said Endeavour.

"Yeah, Hizashi was screaming a song, using his quirk so Hana walked in and screamed louder then him, telling him to shut up. When he didn't, she stared at him and his voice died to a normal volume.  That's when we figured out she had inherited both of our quirks," explained Shota to his friend.

Shota and Endeavour had been good friends for five years when Shota was attacked near the hospital and Endeavour had been nearby, picking up food for his wife and newly born infant. He rushed Shota to the hospital after defeating the villain because Shota was crying in pain. When the doctors reached him, they realised that the hero was giving birth even though being a male and was gay. Endeavour and Rei were by Shota's side the entire time because Hizashi was unreachable and since then, they had been good friends.

"Are you still upset about Rei?" Shota asked.

Endeavour nodded. "I don't know why she threw the boiling water at Shoto but she did and now he's scarred for life." Hana glanced at her friend. His red patch kinda match his hair now. She had told him it looked pretty epic.

"I'm mostly worried about Touya," said Endeavour, bringing Hana's attention back to him. "His hair has almost fully turned white now and I don't know if he can pursue his dreams of being a hero now because his body can't handle the heat."

Hana was horrified. But it was their dream of becoming heroes and now, the leader of their group might not be able too.

Shoto noticed his best friend watching the adults and whispered to her, "Don't worry, they don't see our world or way and the possibilities." Hana grinned at her friend, reassured. But the happiness was broken by a cried of pain.

"Arrgghh!" Touya gasped as his blue flames started getting too hot for his liking. Fuyumi rushed over and put it out with her ice quirk, telling her older brother to be careful. Keigo was hugging his best friend trying to comfort him. Shinso was in Natsuo's arms, the eight year old, trying to shield the five year old's eyes. Shoto's arms wrapped around Hana's back and she grasped them like her life depended on it.

Endeavour walked over to his ten year old son and crouch down so his eyes were level with Touya's. "Son," he said. "I don't think you should become a hero if you're quirk gives you pain. If you can't handle the heat-" He was cut off by his oldest son.

"No!" Touya screaming, ripping out of his best friend's hug and shoving past his father. "I will become a hero like I promised my brother and friends and I will become the greatest hero ever!" He walked past Shota and stormed inside and up to his room.

Endeavour sighed and ran after his son, leaving the other children shaken.

Shota cursed and pried Hana out of Shoto's grip and lifted her up onto his hip. "I think it's time we leave," he said, grabbing Shinso's hand, Keigo flying after them.

Hana turned and looked into her best friend's blue eyes. "Bye Shoto."

A few days later, the Aizawa family learnt that Touya had died in a fire in the park, leaving his family and friends heartbroken. Hana and Keigo never saw each other or the Todorokis again...

10 years later~~

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