Part 1: Chapter 2: Welcome to U.A

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Hana's Pov:

The day started normal. Well as normal as dorm life could get.

"Don't steal my milk, fucking extra!" Bakugou screamed at Mina who was unsuccessfully trying to take the milk.

Hana sighed, taking her toast and took a seat at the table, in between Uraraka and Shoto. Shoji and Sato were entertaining themselves with an arm wrestling match. Hagakure was gossiping with Tsuyu. Iida and Momo were talking academics and Jiro was trying to stop Denki from being a complete idiot.

Hana smiled at her new family before stealing some of Shoto's soba. "Hey!" He protested as she took a bite and made a face at him.

Uraraka giggled at their antics. But the breakfast fun was ruined when Iida said they should start heading to class.

Hana glanced at her timetable and mentally cursed. Present Mic was one of her teachers and unlike Shota, he kinda sucked at lying so the cat was going to be out of the bag soon.

Hana walked next to Shoto, talking about what they hoped to be when they're older until Shoto asked, "Do you see the couples in our class?"

She smiled. "Finally someone who sees it!"

"You obviously wanna do something about, because knowing you, you will play matchmaker, like you did with Keigo and Touya," Shoto pointed out.

Hana slung her arm over her best friend's shoulders. "Let's get through today, then I'll tell you it all tonight."

They smirked at each other and walked into their homeroom class, where Mr Aizawa was waiting for the students to take their seats. Hana slipped into the seat behind Izuku and Shoto to a seat on the opposite side of the classroom.

Aizawa cleared his throat and began. "Welcome to U.A high hero course, where you will learn what it takes to be a hero. This morning, we will test your quirks, go change into your p.e uniforms and we'll begin." He grumbled, obviously tired.

The class rushed into the change rooms, quickly getting dressed. When they were ready, Hana was standing behind Izuku, where she could hear him mumbling. "The teachers here are heroes so Mr Aizawa has got to be a hero but what if the rumours of the child are true, what hero would..." Hana blocked out the ramblings when they started about her birth. Yes, it was a miracle but no need to make a big deal out of it.

Aizawa grabbed the attention of the students. "We're going to be analysing your quirks and how powerful it is before ranking them. For whoever comes last, you shall be expelled."

The word rang out around the field, each student stricken. Expelled? From U.A? Hana thought back to what happened last year with her dad's class. He wouldn't actually expel them. It was just a scheme to make them work hard. She smiled. And she was going to play along.

Multiple physical tests but you could use your quirk. Hana's quirks wouldn't be helpful because they aren't physical like others but everyone here probably thought her scarves were her quirk, except for Mr Aizawa and Shoto. She pretended to try hard but in reality she'd done worse as early training. Being the daughter of two teachers, you kinda get dragged along with training exercises when you're young.

The first few challenges passed like a blur until it was time to throw a ball. Using her scarf, Hana wrapped the ball up, pulled it back and threw it at the sky. She didn't get as far as Bakugou but she did receive a few high fives. Then Izuku's turn came.

He hadn't done well in the last few challenges so Hana was curious if his quirk was like Tomura's. Bringing his arm back, he prepared to throw but at the last second, his quirk was stopped by Aizawa.

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