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Pov Erik
"What drives you two to walk into a supermarket like it's the most normal thing in the world?!" Mom slams a printed newspaper article on the table. We're in the kitchen right now because Wille and I were both hungry and we haven't had lunch yet. I stand at the stove, continue to stir the pan and look at her unperturbed. 

"What drives you to keep revising my grocery lists?!" I give back. Wille is sitting at the table, leaning against the wall, looking ready for a long discussion between the two of us. In his place I would do the same. "I'm still your mother?!" she comes a little closer to me, like she needs to be able to see me clearly to be able to throw any nonsense at me. "And I'm grown up" 

"You are the crown prince of Sweden." "And now? That still doesn't prevent me from going to a supermarket." short silence. "At least your brother isn't being queer" That can now be understood ambiguously. "Uh mom? May I remind you that I still don't want to do this interview?!" Wille now speaks up. "You shut up, I'm not talking to you" 

I turn off the stove and go to Wille. "You pulled him in there, he wouldn't have said anything" I sit next to him, in another chair. "What's the matter with you? You've both changed completely since the video" 

"Now a question for you. If a video of you had been leaked that shows you in a very intimate situation, because of this situation, even a part of you comes to light that you've been hiding for a long time because you knew very well that there was a huge uprising, just because you don't fit the mold of a perfect person, would you still try to hide that part of you?" Wille looks questioningly at Mom. 

"Of course. I wouldn't jeopardize the family's reputation even because of a video like this" she says with conviction. "Oh god, why am I still doing this to myself?!" Wille murmurs to himself. That's a really, really good question. I look over at him and take a quick look at the door. He nods. 

We get up at the same time and quickly go outside. "Come on, let's go to my room" he nods and we walk up a flight of stairs and along a corridor until we finally arrive at the right room.

We've been sitting and lying on my bed doing stuff on our phones for over an hour. I'm texting with a friend of mine, Wille is watching videos, audio wise. "Did I tell you that she blames me too for the scandal?" I look at him questioningly. He shakes his head. "Uh no, you didn't. But does she at least have a reason for that?" 

"Her justification is Andreas. Apparently I gave you the idea of ​​being into boys because of him." "And what about your I dont know, four girlfriends? Couldn't they turn me straight? " I grin. "Apparently not" "That's so typical"

Pov Simon
"Why didn't you get in touch?" Ayub looks at me questioningly. "I don't know. I was way too busy with other things" we stand next to each other on the edge of the football field and watch Rosh who is training. "With what?" "With, not always being asked about the video, getting through the breakup, getting back together with Wille and thinking about what we're going to do now" he hugs me, which surprises me because he never actually does. 

I return the hug. "Take time for yourself, bro. I don't blame you for that" he slowly releases me again. "Thanks" I smile. "And now back to the prince. What does he or you want to do now? Because he probably has to keep up the reputation of the family, right?" I nod. "Yes, unfortunately. They want to force him to make a statement that he's not in the video. But he doesn't want that and neither do I." "Shit" he states.

"His brother, the crown prince, and he are pretty close, right? What does he say to that?" "Erik is cool with it" a ball rolls towards me. I shoot him back in the direction he came from. "Erik?" he looks at me like he's seen a ghost. "Uh yeah? That's his name" "And you're allowed to say you to him?" I nod uncertainly. "Yes, why shouldn't I?" I look at him confused. 

"You say that as if it were the most normal thing in the world" "I'm with Wille. Erik is his brother, his best friend and much more. It is the most normal thing in the world" I grin, because Rosh is coming too. "Hey" she gives us a high five. "How are you doing?" she asks in my direction. "Surprisingly well" I reply with satisfaction. 

"By the way, he's on first-name terms with the crown prince" Ayub says to Rosh. "What?" she has about the same look on it as Ayub before. "What are you making such a fuss about now?!" I say annoyed because I really don't feel like talking about it all the time now. "If you keep up the pace, you'll have a bodyguard by tomorrow." Rosh punches me lightly in the shoulder. 

"Well, I have Malin's number, so..." I say after a short pause. "Who is Malin?" Ayub looks at me questioningly. "One of Wille's bodyguards" "I have it too, that's completely normal" Rosh looks at me. 

"Are you serious?! You're saying that casually?" "Uh yeah. It's not that important." I fold my arms. "Wow, you really need to talk to us more about stuff like this" Rosh states. "Definitely" Ayub agrees.

Pov Wilhelm
"Please give Simon a quick call." Erik stares at his phone. "What why?" I look at him confused. "Just do it" "Okay" I say slowly. I look for Simon in my contacts and call him. After a few rings, he picks up. "Wille, hi" "Hi" I look at Erik. With his incredibly understandable sign language, he makes it clear to me that I should put it on loudspeakers. I needed a few seconds to release, cause his sign language isn't understandable at all. 

"You're loud, Erik is also here" I put my phone between us. "Okay. But why?" I look at Erik. "Jan-Olof sent me a list via email" "And what does it say?" it comes out of my phone. "I'll just read it to you shortly" Erik goes back to his phone. 

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