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Pov Wilhelm
"Bag?" "Malin" I put my phone in my pocket. "You said goodbye to Erik?" I nod. "Yes, I did" "Then we can go" Simon grins and kisses me briefly. "Ready?" "Ready." We're going out.

We have an army of bodyguards with us, probably ten or so. And the funny thing is, even I don't know everyone. But thanks to them, we can at least get through the hospital without too many people bothering us.

Shortly before the exit, Simon taps me on the shoulder. "Yes?" I turn to him. "Can you promise me something?" he looks at me questioningly. "Sure" "Please just don’t get a shock" he says, a little worried. "I won't" "If you say so" I turn around again and go to the door between two bodyguards. I stop and stare through the glass on the door. Now I know why Simon said that before.

"Just for a moment" I slowly turn to him again. "You willingly did this to yourself every day?!" "Well, it wasn’t really willingly" he glances at my knee with a grin. "I..." he interrupts me. "It's okay. We'll just go out there and ignore them, okay?" he puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "I would take your hand now, but..." I don't say any more and just lift my crutches up a little. "I know" he grins.

On the way out, he leaves his hand on my shoulder. When we get outside, a lot of flashes are going on. We quickly go to the van and get in, Simon helps me. I wouldn't have been able to get into a normal car easily, hence the van.

"Please, I just want to try once" Simon looks at me with his puppy eyes. We're standing in front of stairs and he wants to carry me up, it's not like I could get up there quite well myself. "Sorry, but I don’t feel like ending up in the hospital again" I say with a grin. He really does his best to convince me just by his look.

"Try it" he comes to me and lifts me up with all his strength. "You're heavy" "Good, then we would have sorted that out too" I laugh. Out of the corner of my eye I see Mom smile briefly. She greeted us beforehand and actually wanted to leave, but apparently she thought it was more important to watch us. "Maybe if I'm in a good mood you can give me a piggyback ride to the room upstairs" I walk up the stairs.

I've also been up there quicker, but with a stiff knee, because of a splint and crutches, as the weight bearing is still too painful at the moment, you just can't get up that quickly. Simon runs past me and waits upstairs, grinning. "Prince Wilhelm, haven't seen him for a long time." "It's an honor" I reply with a grin.

"Jump up" he turns to me. I first give him my crutches and then do exactly what he said before. It works surprisingly well. "You have to tell me where to go, I don't know the way" he starts walking. After taking a few turns, we finally arrived. I open the door with my foot. Yes, with my foot, because why not. Besides, I wouldn't have been able to do it with my hand because my arms are too short for that. Simon looks around, impressed, then finally goes to my bed and lets me fall onto it.

"Are you okay?" he looks at my knee. "Yes" I smile. "Good" I grab him by the waist and pull him onto the bed with me.

"Don’t you want to be with your family for Christmas?" I look at him questioningly. "It would be nice, yes. But mom said I should stay here. The family celebration, tomorrow, do you remember which one?" "You told me about it, yes" "She thinks it's better for everyone involved if I don't show up there, because of you and stuff" he kisses me briefly.

"I think it's a shame that you have such problems because of me" he looks at me. "Actually, it would be more understandable if I had told you, after all, you are the prince. But seriously, it's okay. I don't like that part of the family that much anyway, they remind me far too much of my father. Besides It's always a bit awkward because I don't really have anyone that I have anything in common with, you know." I nod.

"Why didn't you and Erik share a room together in the hospital?" "Mom was afraid we'd come up with some stupid idea and burn down the hospital or something" I laugh. "I would put it past you." "Ey" I put my arms around him so that he can't leave.  "What are you doing?" "Now you can’t leave" "What a shame" he kisses me, grinning.

Pov Simon
"What exactly is your mission?" Wille asks as I fiddle with his closet. "Wait a minute" I reach for a red sweater that looks pretty comfortable. "Perfect" I put it on. "All right" he laughs and pulls me by my waist to him to kiss me.

Someone's Knocking. "Yes?" the door opens and Malin stands in front of it. "Her Majesty asks you both to come into the entrance hall." "Did she say why?" she shakes her head. "Well then"

Wille let go of me and hobbles to the door where his crutches are. I follow him. "Don’t you need them at all?" I point to the crutches. "No, I’m too lazy" he grins. "Your decision" I say, shaking my head. He leans lightly on me as we go back to the stairs.

Then he holds on to the railing and almost jumps down, which looks very entertaining, but it works. "Are you coming?!" he calls when he gets downstairs, since I haven't even started to go down the stairs yet. I move down slwoly. Once at the bottom, Wille uses me as his personal crutches again.

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