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We spent the next couple of days together just doing simple things like going to the grocery store or going to grab a quick lunch. We didn't mind at all doing those kinds of things together because just being able to enjoy each others company was enough to make us so happy. We made a plan to have lunch with my family on a Saturday so she can finally meet them. And so that Saturday came and we all made it to the restaurant. The food itself was alright at best. That wasn't what had mattered to me though. Something felt different in the air today. Almost as if a breeze of fresh air swept across me on this hot sunny day. The atmosphere of lunch itself went great. She finally got to meet my family, had good conversations and they all loved her. Which I knew would happen because she is the most impeccable human being that has ever crossed my eyes. I could tell she was a little worried since she really wanted my family to like her. In which I reassured her that they did and they can see how happy that she makes me. After lunch we made it back to the car and continued our talk.

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