Chapter 2

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Buddy pov

Hey. My name is Buddy Fudger aka Lil dynamite. Danger force were busy watching genuine moment.
"Aren't you kids supposed to be in the opening night of freshmen college. There is a party right now."
I asked.
"We were but Ray said we had to be here because Doctor Minyak escaped so we had to prepared for anything." Mika explained.

Suddenly our phone beeped. "There is an emergency in Swellview college. We gotta bounce." We blew a bubble and we were on our superhero suits.
Finally some action.


Rain pov

The doors were shut and we were surrounded no one would get in or out. "Don't worry children. I'm not gonna hurt. I just want to bring out captain man and danger force out here. My name is Dr. Minyak. Try anything and my men will show you pain. So be good children and stay put." We are not getting out of this are we.

I took my phone and tried to call for help which was a big mistake because i was grabbed by strong arms and brought to Minyak which is a weird name by the way. "Aren't you a brave girl. Trying to call for help." He laughed.
Suddednly six guys appeared out of nowhere. This must be danger force. Minyak pulled me close and held a gun at me.
"Glad you could join us danger force. Captain man, lovely seeing you."

"What do you want Minyak. Why do you even try knowing that i always beat you. Let the girl go." Captain man with anger from his eyes.

"This is only the beginning. Attack."
He said and his goons started to attack danger force. All other students started to run and scattered.
"See you later suckers." He said and i felt my body being lifted. I was held by Minyak as he flew.. I screamed.
"I'll go after her help the others." The one they call Lil dynamite said before flying towards Minyak and me.

We were flying higher and higher. I screamed and felt tears in my eyes. I was scared of heights and always will be.
"Let her go Minyak." Lil dynamite said as he tried to get close to us.
"Come closer and i will drop her. This was only a distraction but I'll be back." Once he said those words he let go. I was screaming in terror as i was falling. Suddenly i stopped. I didn't realize my eyes were closed. A pair of arms held my waist. I opened my eyes, he saved me. I realised we were still on th air. I put my hands around his neck and held tight. I think he noticed my fear because he held on my waist tighter. "Please don't let go."
I said still shaken. I didn't want to open my eyes.

"I won't." He calmly spoke. I didn't realize we were already on the ground until he spoke. "It's ok you're safe now." I opened my eyes and removed my arms from his neck but still held on his chest. I still didn't want to believe. His hands didn't let go of me. Suddenly i looked directly at the guy who saved my life. He had the most beautiful blue eyes. Of course he's full face could not be seen but i got lost in his oceanic eyes. It was like i was hipnotised.
Suddenly on of his friends appeared snapping us out from our gaze. We both let go. "Captain man needs us. Minyak is gone." Awol said. I think it was his name while he vanished. "I'm coming." He said then looked at me.
"Thank you for saving me." I said. Man those eyes. It's too good not to look at them.
"You're welcome. Be safe and take care." He said and flew up in the sky. Thats so cool.

Siena came running towards me. "Rain are you ok. I was worried i saw Minyak take you and Lil dynamite went after you and i thought i lost you." She said and hugged me tightly.
"I'm ok thanks to him."

"Lets go it's almost midnight. Good thing tomorrow is on a weekend." She as we got back to our dorm.
I took a long shower and wore my pjs. Siena was already asleep. I couldn't really fall asleep. The problem is i can't take my mind of him. I looked into the social media and read more stories about him and danger force and how they saved alot of lives.

I can't wait to explore Swellview more. I may actually love it here. I looked at the sky as i thought of my parents. They would be proud of me i know it.
I love you both so much. I wished you were to see me become a better person. How i miss both of you.

I didn't want to get emotional so i went to bed and let sleep take over.

His precious dynamite Where stories live. Discover now