Chapter 4

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Rain pov

Mika, Chapa and i ended up having more fun than i imagined. I got to ecplore this place and made new friends. Wish Siena was here with me.
My phone rang. Speak of the devil.

"Hey Siena."
"Where have you been.?"
"Exploring the place and i got to meet two amazing people."
"I'm  coming. Send me your location."

"I hope you don't mind that i invited my friend."

"Not at all. We would love to meet her."
We decided to go into a cafe. We ordered a few drinks while waiting for Siena.
"There she is. This is my friend Siena who is more like a sister to me. Siena, this is Mika and Chapa. They showed me around today."
Siena greeted them and we continued our girl talk.

Mika's phone buzzed and they both stood up. "We gotta go but it was so nice to meet you Rain and Siena."

"Likewise." I said. "We'll see you at school." Chapa said and they both walked out of the cafe.
"So do they have cute friends who are boys." I looked at Siena.

"Seriously thats all you can say. Well Yes they have cute boys who are friends. Especially the blue eyed guy. He was sooo hot." I forgot she wasn't supposed to hear the last words.

"Someone has a crush. What does he look like."
"I don't have a crush. He had blonde hair with blue oceanic eyes and he smelt amazing. You could have seen him."
"Ok next time you meet them  call me if I'm far I'll come running. I have to meet this mystery cutie you just described."
We talked more before heading home.


It was already night. Siena as usual fell asleep. She's a sleeping beauty. Since it was not late. I decided to go on a run.
I don't like to sleep that much so i ran. I didn't want to go that far so i just past six blocks and headed back. On my way back, i heard noises like people fighting. Instead of my own business i decided to take a look. Two men were holding down a man and one was pionting a gun at him.
I didn't want any trouble so i stepped back slowly to avoid any making any noises, but i kicked a glass and suddenly the men let go of him and were now focused on me. Crap.

"Well hello there Angel. Looks likes it is our lucky day." One of the said as he grabbed me.
"Let go of me jerk." I said trying to set myself free from his tight grip.
He pushed me against the wall and hit my head pretty hard. I fell on the floor. He grabbed me again and tried to force himself on me while the second guy laughed. I tried to push him away but he too strong. "Please... stop..." I said as tear run down my cheeks.

Suddenly someone grabbed him pushing him away from me. He then blast them and they fell unconscious. It was Lil dynamite. He saved me again. I was still crying. "It's ok. They are not gonna hurt you. I'm here." He help me up and i immediately hugged him. I don't know why but i felt safe with him. His hands held my waist as he comforted me.
"I won't leave you ok. I'm here." My vision was blurry. I couldn't really here what he was saying.
" you saved me.......again." i said. I still didn't let go neither did he.
"I'll always be here anytime. I'm gonna show you something ok. Hold on tight." Wait what. In seconds we were away from the ground. "Im afraid of heights. Don't let go." I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"I'm not going to make you fall. Open your eyes and look." I hesitated but opened my eyes. Wow Swellview looked beautiful at night. "It's beautiful." I said. "Not as beautiful as you."
He called me beautiful. We starred at each other. One i looked at him, i forgot everything that happened. All i could think of was him. He leaned closer to me and we were inches apart from each other. Then he put his lips on mine and i kissed back. We backed away. That was the happiest thing that has happened to me today. "That was.... I'm....amazing."
"Yeah.... it was." He landed on top of a building and we both let go. We starred at the stars for a while. I looked at the time and it was getting late.
"I have to go. It's getting late and i have school tomorrow."

"Oh ok." I wanted to go then i remembered we were on the roof. I looked back at him. "Come on I'll drop you off." He held on tighter. He flew up. "Hold on tight." I directed him to my room balcony. He dropped me gently.
"Thank you again Lil dynamite. Goodnight." I said opening the door.
"Wait i didn't catch your name." He asked.
"It's Rain." He smiled. "It's pretty. I'll see you soon. Take care." He placed a kiss on my forehead before flying away.
I got into the room only to startled by Siena. "Jeez Siena. You scared the shit out of me."
"Was that Lil dynamite and did he just bring you home and kissed you. I think I'm to pass out." Drama queen. "How did it happen. When did it happen and what."

"Slow down. It just happened now. You were asleep so i went for a run and two people tried to hurt and he rescued me then he flew me up in the sky and we kissed then we watched the stars and he brought me home."
Then she's started crying.

"Are you crying, seriouly."  "Tears of joy baby girl. My best friend and sister is in love and she getting married then have babies. I'm so proud of you."

"Slow down. I'm not having babies. Dude I just turned twenty the other day. Slow down. Come one off to bed we have school tomorrow."
I can't believe this girl. But today was definitely my happiest day. I think i have fallen in love with him.
I may not know who he is but i don't care. My heart already beats for him and him alone.

I took a bath and headed to bed. I looked at the stars one more time before drifting to sleep.

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