Pansy Parkinson

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Chapter 3

I forgot where I was for a second propped up against the door, when I heard a female voice greet me. "Hi I'm Pansy, you can take the bed next to me!" I smiled and replied "I'm Aurelia, and thanks!" I looked at my bed, it was a single bed with a curtain draped round. Suppose it will do. The room smelt of must and mint. I smiled at Pansy and sat down on her bed. "Is it true your parents are in Azkaban?" I recognised that voice as I began to unpack my trunk. I turned to my right and there on another bed was the girl who hit Draco for looking at me. Great. The girl sniggered to another girl sitting on her bed. "I'm Astoria and this is Nala, now don't forget this is our bedroom, you've just been put in here cause no other room wants you," she laughed. I certainly do not like this girl already, or her friend for that matter. "That's not true!" Pansy butted in. I smiled at back Pansy. I could see us sort of being friends, maybe not best friends like me and Cleo are, but friends at least. "How come you hit Draco? Jealous was we?" I said in a stern tone to Astoria. "Draco is my boyfriend actually so if I see you even looking at him then believe me you will regret it!" "Course he is," I laughed. "And what is that supposed to mean?" Astoria said harshly. "I mean course you are together, both seem like you're well suited...snotty, arrogant and rude!" Astoria began to stand up heading over to me stomping her feet against the oak wooden floor. Pansy stepped in, "actually Astoria he isn't your boyfriend, just a bad crush you have, now leave Aurelia alone!" Astoria huffed and dragged Nala out of the room with her. I sure as hell annoyed her. Brilliant.

Pansy turned towards me, "you really think that about Draco?" She asked. I nodded. "God, he's so dreamy and handsome, but no girl has actually been with him, a waste really". "Someone have a crush Pansy?" I laughed and teased at her. "W-what no! No way!" I carried on laughing. Maybe Hogwarts wouldn't be so bad if I had Pansy as my friend.

After an hour or so of Pansy and I telling each other about our lives, bonding over Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans, god they were vile, we decided to get some sleep. I learnt Pansy is a pure blood like me and that her parents run one of the shops on Diagon Alley. Pansy told me that her mother was in Hufflepuff and her father in Griffindor so she wasn't sure why she was a Slytherin but she was happy with it. I told Pansy about my real parents, how I don't remember them and how I was nothing like they were. My parents practising dark magic wasn't something I was proud of especially after Voldemort became powerful not long after. I had boasted to Pansy about my old life and my lovely family making her slightly jealous.

As my head hit the pillow I looked out the window towards the moonlight and tried to come to terms with my new life here at Hogwarts. I was sort of excited but nervous for tomorrows class. Although I know I shouldn't be nervous I probably have had more practice in magic than my class put together. I began to slowly drift off into a deep sleep and cuddled myself into my blanket. I had had it since I was a baby and it was ratty and old but it's was comfort. Tomorrow was a new day, my first full day here, I secretly couldn't wait.

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