Defence Against the Dark Arts

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Chapter 12

Today in Defence Against the Dark Arts class everyone was going head to head duelling with each other. I was nervous even though I knew I could do it! I turned Draco into a ferret for heavens sake. I didn't want to go head to head with anyone I didn't like especially him. It would be brutal. Snape looked at me and said "you're next!" I squinted my eyes praying I got someone who I could really go head to head with. "Draco, you're up," Snape said. "What? No way Sir I'm not going up against him!" I snarled. "You will do as I say Swallow or lose points for Slytherin!" I huffed and then headed up to the runway and took a side. "Face each other, now hold up your wands" Snape announced. Me and Draco stared at each other with deathly eyes. "Scared Swallow?" Draco teased, the seriousness not leaving his face. "You wish Malfoy!" I responded a smirk forming on my lips. Draco gazed at them for a second. We swiped our wands to our sides and turned around heading away towards the end of the runway. "Cast your charms to disarm your opponent...only to disarm, we don't want any accidents here," Snape ordered. "On the count of three, one two," as Snape counted down Draco flicked his wand and shouted "Everte Statum!" I flung back into the air spinning, landing heavily on my arm. Ouch. The class gasped so I got straight back up before retaliating. "Rictusempra!" I chanted flicking my wand in the process. Draco flew backwards, spinning whilst doing so, landing onto his buttocks winding him slightly. Got you! The class broke out into fits of laughter. "I said to disarm," Snape shouted. Draco took no notice and enchanted "Serpensortia!"

A giant green snake came sliding its way over to me, fear brewing up in my eyes. Draco smirked over to his friends and I had no clue what to do. The serpent was approaching me, it's long black tongue flicking up and down sensing the fear from my quivering body. As it approached me I whispered, "please stop, I don't want to be hurt, and I don't want to hurt you! I'm Aurelia, you're a very pretty snake, beautiful scales!" As I began to charm the serpent, Snape came and waved his wand and the snake disinter grated. Everyone looked at me with confusion. "That is enough dualling today, class dismissed!"

As I walked back over to Pansy, Pansy looked at me with amazement yet uncertainty. "What?" I asked, Pansy was making me quite paranoid. "What was that Aurelia, with the snake?" "What do you mean, I spoke to it and it sort of listened to me!" I started to become worried. Had I done something wrong? "Aurelia you wasn't speaking English to it, it was some weird sort of language like hissing but whispering!" Pansy knew what she heard. "I spoke English to it Pansy, I don't know what you're talking about!" I was shocked and confused. I felt a warm hand touch my shoulder causing me to jump. I turned round to see Harry. "You can speak parcel tongue too eh?" He asked. What on earth was parcel tongue? "No Harry I spoke in English, how I speak everyday!" I pleaded. "It's a gift, I have it too, you can speak to snakes Aurelia like me" Harry smiled. "I-I didn't know I could," I paused. "Don't worry, we can go to the library sometime and read about it, that's what I did when I found out I could!" "Thanks Harry!" I hugged him tightly. Pansy looked at me with disgust.

I could feel Draco's eyes burning into the back of me when I hugged Harry. He hated every inch of him and I knew this would annoy him even more. Draco headed over and shoved past us both. "Come on let's go," Pansy said grabbing Aurelia's hand away from Harry. "Parcel tongue, what in the Merlin is that!" She said in puzzlement. "No idea but it's pretty cool right, I'm going to read about it with Harry!" "Wait you're not actually going to study with him are you?" Pansy sneered. "Pansy, he's actually really nice if you took the time to get to know him!" I sighed. "You don't even know him Aurelia!" "No but from what I've heard and in the few times I've spoken with him, he actually seems like a pretty decent guy!" Pansy rolled her eyes at me and we headed over to the hospital wing to see to my arm.

"Just a sprain Miss Swallow, the healing spell and the bandage should see to it for a few days and you'll be right as rain!" Madame Pomphrey smiled. "Thank you miss!"

Me and Pansy decided to hang out in the common room tonight. She wanted to see Blaise and I agreed to go with her knowing Draco hadn't left his room since class this afternoon. We were all laughing about Crabbe and Goyle's duel together. Crabbe had cast a spell by mistake causing Goyle to lose all his hair. They thought it would be funny to practice duelling in the courtyard. It was hilarious. As we were all mocking Goyle we heard a door creak open. Draco came rushing down the stairs to me and Pansy laughing with his friends. "Hope I didn't hurt you too much Swallow!" Draco scoffed as he looked at my hand that was now wrapped in a bandage. I stormed over to him, no fear in my eyes whatsoever. "Oh Draco, if only you knew what real pain was!" I said holding my wand to his chin. He began to curl away, quite fearful of what I would do to him. Pansy broke out into fits of laughter and dragged me away. We headed back up to our room, but my body starting to notice the pain and aches it had encountered whilst duelling. I needed a good nights sleep.

A/N- I'm so sorry for the laziness I've been giving, I hope you enjoy this chapter and look out for the next!

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