Christmas Break

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Chapter 13

Christmas dawned upon Hogwarts pretty quickly. Draco hadn't spoken to me for weeks, something I was quite glad of. I would be spending Christmas break here as Snape was staying too. I was going to miss Pansy, I had grown so close with her over the past few months. Something I never expected.

The past few weeks since the duelling altercation were different. Draco didn't bother to tease me, he seemed to busy in his own thoughts to do so. He actually apologised for making me fly across the runway and said he never wanted to hurt a girl. Like I said I hadn't spoken to him for weeks since then and things felt quite peaceful for a change.

"I'm going to miss you, you know," I said helping Pansy pack her trunk. "I'll write to you everyday Aurelia it will be like I'm still here!" Pansy exclaimed. "I know, I'm going to meet Harry in the library at some point to study parcel tongue," I responded packing the last of Pansy's shirts. Pansy rolled her eyes chuckling to herself. "What?" I chuckled slapping Pansy's arm with today's copy of the daily prophet. "Nothing, be careful, have you read that, he's about Aurelia, you need to be carful!" Pansy said reminding me of the article we both read at breakfast. Voldemort was looking over Hogwarts in search for Harry Potter. Dumbledore had set up shields a few days ago to stop death eaters getting into the grounds. The atmosphere was also changing at school, everyone becoming more uptight and worried that a war was going to commence. "I will, I promise!" I smiled. Me and Pansy had a long hug before walking Pansy down the stairs into the common room. Everyone had their trunks packed ready to go home to their families. I was jealous, I missed mine so much. They hadn't even bothered to send me a letter which she got upset about occasionally. I mean I wasn't actually their child, what if they forgot about me?

"Don't bump into any more snakes Swallow!" I heard as I felt a strong push past me knocking me to the floor. I heard Astoria laughing with Nala. As I went to stand up I saw a pale hand reach out for mine. I looked up and her eyes met with Draco's. Fuck. I took his hand and stood up, Astoria firing a dirty look at me. "Give it a rest Astoria, nobody cares about you," Draco said whilst glaring at Astoria. I was taken back, why was he sticking up for me? I thought his apology was it and that we would stay out of each other's way. Merlin knows it's better that way. "Ooh protecting your girlfriend are we," Astoria played. "Well she could be more of a girlfriend than you ever will be!" Draco laughed. What did he just say? Astoria looked at Draco with tears in her eyes before running off out of the room, Nala following close behind like a little puppy.

"Sorry, I had to say something to her that would just make her leave me alone," Draco half smiled. "Sure, how come your still in your uniform and not ready with your bags packed?" I questioned. I felt slightly nervous as I hadn't spoken to him in so long. "I'm spending Christmas break here, my parents are busy with some..uhm stuff" he replied looking down to the floor. Something was bothering him, but I couldn't work out what. I was also mortified that it would just be me and Draco staying here from Slytherin. "Great!" I scoffed. "Don't worry Aurelia, I'll keep out of your way," Draco vocalised. He just called me by my first name. What was going on with him?

I had to spend two weeks alone. 2 weeks! Only three days had passed. It was going to be the longest two weeks ever. I decided to go to the library and find a book to read. I loved reading. I picked out 'Pride and Prejudice' a classic which I had read multiple times. I'm a sucker for a romance. I took it back to the common room and took a seat in front of the warmly lit fire. I must have read at least ten chapters when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see Draco before turning back to the fire. He took a seat on the sofa next to me, his feet up on the arm.

"Aurelia, can I ask you a question?" Draco asked. "Depends what it is," I responded my eyes not leaving the pages. "Why do you hate me so much?" "I'm sorry?" I turned away to face him. "You heard me!" "Maybe it's because you show no compassion towards anyone, you bully people, you find it funny humiliating others and you don't think of anyone but yourself!" I uttered with a stern but gentle tone of voice. Draco appeared shocked by the list I had just put out in-front of him. "Wow, long list huh?" He responded seeming a little upset by how I had just described him. "And why do you hate me?" I questioned back. Draco looked up slightly shocked. "I don't hate you Aurelia, it's just you're different, you're not like the other girls here and I guess I'm struggling to adapt to you being here. It's quite refreshing to say the least, you test me in ways I've never been tested before!" I was amazed, not once did he say a bad thing about me. Wonder how long that will last? "What are you reading?" "Pride and Prejudice!" I showed him the cover. "A classic!" He responded. "You've read it?" I said puzzled but beaming with a smile. I'd never met a boy who had read books I read. He nodded. "Wow I didn't take you to read romance novels Malfoy," I played. Draco let out a little chuckle. "Shut it!"

"So why aren't you going home then?" I asked. Me and Draco had been sat in the common room for an hour now, in silence. I had carried on reading my books whilst Draco was reading about potions. Draco turned away from me, trying not to show this comment effected him. "I'm sorry, that was rude and prying of me," I said taking a seat next to him on the sofa. I remembered back to their night on the Astronomy Tower, how I could see his vulnerability slightly, this being sort of the same. "No it's fine. They've had to go to London to take care of some business, I don't know what. I'm used to it anyway they are never at home, I spend most of the time either in the woods at the back of the Manor or in my bedroom alone" he said slightly shocked at how much he had just opened up. I smiled softly, enjoying the fact I was slowly starting to break down Draco Malfoy's walls. "So to answer your question, yes..yes I am lonely." He finished. "Draco, I-I'm sorry, I don't want to make you upset," I began but was soon stopped by feeling Draco's lips push onto mine. Our lips intertwined with each other for a second before I pulled away. Pull yourself together Aurelia! Draco pulled back and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." "It's okay," I whispered. Was it? "You do something to me Aurelia, it's driving me crazy! I have tried to ignore it for so long, trying to hide how I feel. You make me feel things I've never felt, I get excited to see you in class when I wake up! I don't know what these feelings are, I've never had them before". I was left with her mouth opened slightly. Was Draco confessing he had feelings? No no no this cannot be happening right now. "Draco, I-I don't know what to say," I looked away. Draco took my hand and placed it on his lap still locking with his. "You don't have to say anything Aurelia, I just couldn't keep it in any longer, no one else knows." "Is this why you've been horrible to me, because you've been trying to ignore your feelings?" Draco swallowed and nodded. "I'm sorry for all the hurt I've caused you, I thought it was for the best," Draco looked at me with sad eyes. I placed my hand on his cheek making him take one large breath whilst closing his eyes. A tear rolled down his cheek.

Stop Aurelia! I began to think back. I felt sorry for Draco but the hurt he had caused me, I couldn't ignore it. He got a thrill in taking the piss out of me, I've seen it in his eyes. I enjoyed the kiss yes, but that shouldn't mean I should drop everything and spill out my in-denying love for him. We were different people. Completely. "I have to go Draco, I'll see you tomorrow, if you want we can go to Diagon Alley, I need a pet. Snape's been on at me and well I'm sure you know your way around!" I smiled slightly. "Sure, see you tomorrow," Draco smiled back. He let out a deep sigh and laid back. I then rushed out of the common room as quickly as I could.

I threw myself onto my bed. What the fuck just happened?

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