New Years

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Chapter 16

After Christmas me and Draco spent our days lazing in the common room. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. I had never felt like this before. He made me feel euphoric.

I was lay with my back against his shoulder reading, us both sprawled out on the sofa. I glanced over as I could feel his eyes on me. "Can I help you sir?" I giggled. He didn't flinch. "I like it when you call me that, do it again!" He smirked. "I'm sorry?" "Sir, call me sir again," he winked. "You're vile Draco!" I smacked his arm playfully.

"Aurelia," he whispered in my hair. "Hmm?" I let of a moan. "This between us, it is great, but I think it should just stay between us for now, you know not tell anyone, only do things in secret." I sat up turning to face him. Why didn't he want people to know? A secret? This is why I have never dated, feelings would get hurt and I can't be bothered with that bullshit. I was 16 for Merlin's sake! "Are you embarrassed or something?" I asked a slight crack in my voice.

Everyone was returning back today for New Years Eve. We were having a party in the common room tonight to celebrate. "Embarrassed? No Aurelia, I would never be embarrassed, I just like to keep my life private," he said gliding his fingers up and down my arm. I believed him, for now. Just funny how he has said this now everyone was coming back. I was slightly pissed at him. "I'm going to take a nap," I said beginning to stand up from the chair. "Can't you just nap here?" He asked moaning not wanting to let me go. He locked his hands with mine before I pulled away. "No," I stated. "But you have done every other day," he whined. "I said no!" I shouted walking away and slamming the door behind me. Can't be arsed with him at the minute.

I laid down for a nap and rested my eyes shut. It was dark when I woke up to the pounding sound of the door slamming open. "GUESS WHOS BACK BITCH!" Pansy screamed at the top of her lungs! I jumped out of bed and squealed with excitement giving her a hug. Behind her followed Astoria and Nala. Brill.

I couldn't wait for this New Years Eve party. Alcohol, music, dancing. Just what we all needed before we return to class. I picked up a black satin dress that was figure hugging to say the least. I knew I would look hot. Draco wouldn't be able to resist. I thought about what he said in the shower, about being a secret and it isn't such a bad idea after all. Everyone knows we've been head to head since I came and I guess I didn't want people prying in our business as they have already been doing.

I decided to go for a dark smoky eye effect on my eyes. The matte brown lipstick finishing off the look perfectly. I placed on a dimante choker and ruffled the curls in my hair. Ready. "God Aurelia, who are you trying to impress?" Pansy smirked. "Myself Pansy, just me myself and I. Who needs men anyway?" I joked. Pansy whipped out a bottle of fire whiskey that she had stolen from her parents collection. "Let's get this show on the road!" She beamed dragging me out of the dorm room.

The music was blasting loudly in the common room, sweaty bodies started filling up the floor. Draco had placed the 'Muffliato' spell on the door so no one in the castle could hear the screams of party girls and the drunken snogs of couples. Me and Pansy headed over to the boys, her not being shy to peck Blaise on the lips. I noticed Draco's eyes locked on the tight dress I was wearing. He licked his lips and nodded at me making sure no one noticed. I shook my head and took a swig from the bottle Pansy had brought with us. The burning liquor ran down my throat and I felt a instant kick. I was going to be wasted.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Goyle cheered. Oh god please no. "Okay you first Swallow," Crabbe said his words making eyes point on me. "Truth," I lightly said. "Pussy!" Blaise mocked. I shrugged and looked at Draco, his eyes watching my every move. "Okay, where is the most exotic place you've had sex?" I beg your pardon. I have to make up a lie. I can't make a mockery of myself and just said "yeh you guys I'm 16 and a virgin still". "At my old school there was a passage way that led out into some old shack, did it in there once with a guy in the year above. Not exotic but suppose it ain't your typical bedroom," I lied. Draco's eyes widened. Please don't suspect anything.

Astoria and Nala came over wanting to join in the game. Astoria sat on the arm of the sofa next to Draco and I couldn't help but feel a hint of jealousy from myself. She began touching his hair giggling. I felt my fists clenched up when I heard "don't worry darling, she won't be going near me tonight!" Draco was in my head. "How are you doing that?" I frowned. "Magic" he smiled smugly. Obvious idiot.

"Okay Draco, truth or dare?" Pansy questioned. He thought for a second before saying "dare!" "I dare you to neck that whole bottle of whiskey you've got in your hand!" "Gosh Parkinson you don't make it easy do you?" He scoffed and began pouring the drink into his throat, his Adam's apple making a more striking appearance. God that is hot! He finished the bottle with ease, clearly showing off.

The game continued, Crabbe having to eat a piece of coal out of the fire, Blaise telling us he has had a threesome in the past with two girls from Hufflepuff causing slight tension between him and Pansy. I was too tipsy to care about their petty argument and dragged Pansy away to dance. "I LOVE THIS SONG!" I beamed. Okay maybe I'm a little more drunk than I thought. The floor began to blur as I swayed my hips into Pansy's. This was so fun!

I could feel my body tingling whilst I was grinding my hips to the beat. The room spinning in motion, everything being a total blur. "Oi Swallow, you ever tried this before?" Blaise smirked my way. He had a clear bag of what looked like herbs. "Muggle weed they call it, will sure take you on a high!" He laughed. I stumbled back over to the sofas, bottle of whiskey in my hand. "Ooo let me see," I squinted my eyes as I held the packet to my face, still struggling to make out what this stuff was. "I don't think that's a good idea Blaise, she's wasted," I heard Draco state. What harm can it do? If it's going to make me feel higher than I already am then Merlin I'll take it. "I can speak for myself thanks, Malfoy," I sniggered. Blaise smiled and rolled this weird concoction into a piece of tiny paper. He licked his way across and passed me the pencil looking thing.

"All you do is light it and inhale as hard as you can, got it?" Blaise instructed. I nodded and placed it in between my lips. Draco's eyes were glaring into me but I didn't care. I inhaled and man that shit tasted like crap! I coughed the smoke out struggling to catch a breath. The others erupted into fits of laughter apart from one, him. His face was in a frown, disgusted by my behaviour clearly. I'm here to enjoy myself and here's Draco throwing me dirty looks all night. Prick.

"Go on let me try again," I giggled nodding over to Blaise to pass it back to me. Inhale, blow out. Don't cough Aurelia. I took in one big breath, the smoke filling my lungs. This time I didn't choke and immediately started to feel the effects. It was brilliant. It was overwhelming, an instant head rush followed by a steady and relaxing calm. My senses felt heightened, the feel of the sofa felt soft to the touch. Crabbe was laughing at my actions. "She is going to be fucked!" He cried hysterically.

He was right. I was fucked.

I began to feel slight nauseous and dizzy, the alcohol and weed not being the perfect combination to mix. Bit like a potions class, but I'm testing out the material. I couldn't stop giggling and Blaise told me that this would last all night.

An hour later of dancing and more drinking my body began to slowly shut off. Most people had gone back to their dorm rooms leaving me, Pansy, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle and Draco. I couldn't take my eyes off Draco. His neatly iced hair draping over his pale skin. He looked beautiful. I could feel my eyes slowly starting to shut before I completely was concussed on the sofa.

I could hear but couldn't see. "Alright Zabini don't you think it's enough, how stupid could you be to give her that much whilst she's been drinking!" I heard Draco's voice. I let out a small smile before I felt a strong pair of arms scoop me up and carry me away.

I felt my body hit a mattress that wasn't mine. The familiar smell of my perfume wasn't there. Where the hell was I? It was only until the familiar smell of mint began to to take over the smell of alcohol on my breath. "Draco?" I whispered. "Yes darling" he whispered back. "I thought you looked super duper extra hot tonight," I giggled, still not opening my eyes. "You're gone Aurelia, you need sleep" he gently said lifting me under the duvet. He carefully tucked me in and I felt a small kiss on my forehead.

Then the mint was gone.

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