We arrive back at Nick's house and go inside. I get greeted by Sarah (Nick's mum) who I think is the nicest mum on this planet.
"Tea?" She asks
"Yes, please." I say
"And biscuits?"
I look at Nick unsure whether I should say yes or no,
"Yes, please mum," Nick saysWe sit down at the table and I start sipping on my tea,
"How was the talk?" Sarah asks
"Yeah, it was good." Nick says "we went to look around the school after and we found our old form room."
"Oh my god, Nick. Where's the ring."
"The ring? Shit! THE ring. In my pocket."
"Nicolas Nelson! Language!"Nick removes the ring from his pocket and puts it on my finger.
"Am I missing something?" Sarah says
"Well Nick proposed to me at the talk and I said yes."
"Nicky. Why didn't you say."
"I was scared that you would say it was a stupid idea and tell me to wait." Nick says crying
"Oh, darling I would never tell you to do something that you weren't certain was the right thing."Sarah then pulls Nick and me into a hug.
"I love you Nick."
"I love you too Char."
We then get in the car and drive to my Sister's and her Husbands house for lunch.
"Charlie!" Oliver calls
"Hi, ollie I didn't know you were staying with Tori."
"It was either Tori or granny and grandad."
"I see. Tori, What's for lunch."
"Dunno. Ask Michael."I find out that we are having fish and chips. This makes me a little bit nervous but I know that Nick will tell me to tell my anerexia that I am better than it, so yeah.
I go back into the living room to see Nick and Tori talking.
"Charlie, Nick says that you both have something to tell me." Tori says
"We do."
I then hold my hand in front of her face with my silver wedding ring glistening in the light
"Since when we're you guys getting married." Tori askes
"Since today,"
"Nicolas and Charles Nelson, I will have to get used to that."And then Michael calls saying that lunch is ready and we make our way to the kitchen.
I will love you forever.
FanficNick and Charlie's relationship hasn't always been perfect and they nearly broke up in Six form. But now life is going perfectly and Nick is prepared to create a family.