Chapter 1

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Length: 11,500 +

Tags: Boyfriend, Girlfriend, friends,

A/N- . the fluff on this is a bit short but I enjoy the plot I created. I hope you do too.

Male reader Name : Porter

Can you remember your first time using a pen? Maybe a pencil?

Honestly, you would be lying if you said you remembered the first time but one certain time stuck out to you.

It was a rainy day. You can remember that because you weren't allowed to go outside for recess, the favorite part of the day in 4th grade. As you sat in your chair sulking about your afternoon, your teacher clapped her hands to get everyone's attention.

"Ok, now boys and girls. I have a fun activity planned today. Now I might have mentioned it before but I have a sister who is also a teacher in New York. We thought it would be fun if our classes were penpals!"

"What's penpals?"

"Ah well, penpals are basically people who become friends by writing letters. Each of you will be given someone to write a letter to, so everyone pull out a piece and paper and a pencil please."

Despite your thoughts still lurking on recess, your body reacted on its own to grab the materials you needed. Setting the notebook down on your desk, you grabbed your pencil and just held it in your hand. One by one, your teacher handed out a sheet to each student until she reached you.

"Ok Porter. You will write to Jennifer. I ran out of boys sadly but I'm sure this will still be fun."

A groan left your mouth as you heard it was a girl you were gonna be forced to write to.

"But I don't want to write to a girl Mrs. White."

"Porter. This is your assignment. You need to do it. Just have fun with it. Talk about anything you like."

As your teacher walked away, your eyes just started at the blank sheet. The scratches from your classmate's pencil's echoed in the air as you just sat there.

"Three more minutes!"

You knew Mrs.White would be mad if you didn't write anything but you had nothing. Each second that ticked by the more nervous you felt. With one minute left you quickly scribbled a few words and there and put your pencil down.

Hi, I'm Porter. How are you?

Your teacher came by and saw your note and frowned a bit. Despite that, she grabbed your note and folded it. Once she put it in an envelope, she took it back to her desk. Maybe that would be the end of all that.

A week later you found yourself walking back into class after recess. As you sat down at your desk, you noticed a small envelope sitting on top.

"Ok, everyone. Your letters from your pen pals have arrived. Feel free to open the envelopes and read what was written to you."

Looking around, you saw your classmates grab their envelopes and begin to read the notes they got. Following their example, you ripped open the envelope and pulled out the piece of paper. Opening it, you saw there was more than you wrote.

Hi Porter, I'm Jennifer. I'm ok thank you. Where are you from? I'm from New York. It's loud but fun here. Is it fun where you are? What do you like to do? Bye."

As you finished reading the note, your hands extended out and ripped a new piece of paper to write. You honestly aren't sure why you grabbed some paper when you didn't want to write to her in the first place but it would be rude not to respond.

Grabbing your pencil, you began to write.

Hi Jennifer. I'm from New Jersey. It's loud here too but I have fun. I like recess. What about you? Do you like recess?"

As you finished your note, you folded it and set it down on your table. Mrs. White came close to you and saw the letter was ready.

"Wow. You are done already. I'm glad I didn't need to tell you to write to her."

"I'm not mean."

"No. You aren't."

Grabbing your letter, Mrs. White took it and put it in an envelope. Guess it's just waiting time now.

5 months later

It was the final day of 4th grade and you sat at your desk. Everyone was excited it was the day before summer vacation, but you were excited for another reason.

"Ok class. This is the final letter from your penpal so please enjoy."

Tearing the envelope open, your eyes quickly scanned the words on the sheet of paper.

Hi Porter. It's the last day of school huh? I had a lot of fun talking to you all this time. I know we are done with the letters in class but can we keep talking? I asked my teacher and she said it's ok. Send me another letter if you want to. Please?


"Yes, Mrs.White?"

"Jennifer seems to really like talking to you so she asked her parents to see if you guys could keep sending letters. I already asked your parents also and they said ok. Would you like to?"

Your body reacted on its own as you just nodded aggressively.

"Very well then Porter. Your parents have her address to send the letters so feel free to continue. You are the only one who is gonna keep talking to their own pen pal."

"Jen is really nice."

"Well, I hope it continues to be fun. I'm glad I could get you a new friend."

Walking away, you could agree with her. You really do have a new friend.

To Be Continued........

PENPALS ( HUH YUNJIN LE SSERAFIM X MALE READER)Where stories live. Discover now