Chapter 7

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Walking out of the hotel building, you found the Uber you ordered waiting. The red tint of the car matched the red tint from the box you used to find Yunjin a few days ago. Had you been told that your person would be going to meet up with Lesserafim a month ago, you would have called them crazy.

Your life was just filled with surprises. Scrolling through Twitter made the car ride flash by in an instant. Saying thank you to the man, your legs brought you out of the crimson vehicle into the large city. Looking around, you saw that the girl's home was in a nice part of town.

Strolling up to the large glass building, your arms opened a door leading you to a small gangway of sorts. The door has a scanner for a key fob but since you didn't have one, you would need to ring the doorbell.

Finding the button to apartment two hundred twenty-one, your finger then hovers above it for a few minutes. You hadn't even realized time had passed until your senses came back to you. Pressing the button, your ears picked up the buzzing sound coming out of the device.

Waiting for a response, a few seconds passed until you heard a voice.


"H-Hello. It's Porter."

"Oh, Oppa. Take the elevator up to the 15th floor. Our apartment will be on the right side when you exit. Third door on the left wall."

"Thanks, Eunchae. I'll be up there soon."

Once you heard the buzzing, your hand pulled on the door opening it. Finally in the building, you saw a few chairs in that lobby as well as some plants. Taking a few steps further, you found yourself in front of the elevator summoning it to the lobby.

A familiar ding fills the lobby as the metal cube arrives. Once the doors opened, you stepped on and saw it was one of the nicest elevators you had ever been in. Ordering the button to the 15th floor. The doors to the metal machine closed rapidly. The elevator began to rise the floors quickly as a little tune echoed in there.

Once a ding hit your ears once more, the doors opened showing you the white hallway. Following Eunchae's instructions, you exited the elevator and went right. Walking past two doors, your feet brought you to the apartment of the girls.

Knocking on the door, you patiently waited as you heard whispers behind the door. With a swing, the door opened showing you an excited Maknae.

"Hi, Oppa. Come in!"

"Oh, thanks Manchae. Can I call you that?"

"Of course. Now let's go!"

Grabbing your hand, Eunchae pulled you into their home. Once passed the small hallway, you found yourself in the middle of the living room. The giant living room was blessed with a skyline view. Easy to see when the window in the room was the entire wall.

"Yeah. The view is amazing huh Oppa?"

"Yes it is. I've only been in here yet I can tell this is an amazing home. Can I sit down?"

With a nod of approval, you sat down on the leather couch as Eunchae sat next to you. On your right side, you could see several figures moving around rapidly.

"So Oppa, are you in love with unnie?"

That question made you choke on your air suddenly. Your aggressive coughing seed to get everyone's attention as a couple of heads popped from the kitchen.




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