Chapter 6

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December 24th, Christmas eve

Stepping out of your taxi, you began the short walk up the sidewalk to the building. Seeing a small line for the door, you got behind everyone and began to wait. After a few minutes, the line began to move into the building.

Once through the metal doors, you saw everyone going up to a desk where they were checking in. The process seemed to be shorter than you thought as after 5 minutes you are in front of the woman.

"Welcome. Do you have your QR code to check in? I will also need to see an ID."

"Yeah, one sec."

Pulling your phone out, you opened the email with the QR code and handed it to the woman. As she scanned it, you pulled out your passport and handed it to her. Matching your id with the information on her device, the woman handed it all back and gave you a small badge.

"Ok Mr. Ward, now you just need to pull your number out of this box and it will decide what seat you will be in."

Putting your hand in the box, your hand began to roam around passing small pieces of paper. Landing on the top right corner, you grab the piece of paper closest to your hand and pull it out. Unfolding the blue sheet, you felt excitement and Nerves as you saw the number Seven plastered in the middle.

"Ah. Lucky number seven. You will be in the front row! When you enter, just look for the chair with the same number. That will be the seat for the fansign."

"Thank you, miss. Have a good day."

A few steps away from the desk you made it to the security section. Once you pass the various machines and people checking you, your legs follow the signs to the hall for the fansign. Entering, you saw all of the previous people in line already in their seats. The excitement is plastered on their faces despite having face masks on.

Walking into the front row, you looked at the numbers until you found your seat. Sitting down, you proceeded to pull out your phone and just play on it. Various people were walking around and such but your concentration was stuck on your mobile device.

Open on the notes page, your eyes scanned over the various things you had written. Each paragraph was a different thing you could say to your best friend. Should you be funny? Nice? Dorky?.

You had options for all of those but your mind was running a million miles per hour, thinking about what was possibly the right thing. Time just passed as you suddenly heard the tap of a hand on a microphone.

At the top right corner of your phone, 6:00 pm was plastered.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen! Are you all ready to see Lesserafim!?"

The cheers that left everyone's mouths nearly left you deaf at that moment. Despite the back of your mind still being stuck on what to say, your excitement overtook all other emotions you were feeling. As your own cheers began to fill the air, the door on the right side swung open.

A man you recognized as manager from before walked into the hall with the girls in tow. Chaewon walked in first, waving at everyone in the crowd. Next was Sakura who was shooting finger hearts at everyone who did the same.

You thought it was going in age order but as the playful maknae ran in and jumped on Sakura, you saw it wasn't. Riding on Sakura's back, Eunchae's actions just warmed your heart. Kazuha got closer to the Maknea and began to pull her off her unnie's back.

Despite the sound of laughter filling the room, one distinct laugh blessed your ears. Even in this full room, you could recognize the sound of your best friend. As she walked in, a smile was plastered on her face watching her members' interaction.

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