Chapter 2

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6th grade, October

Walking into your math class, you went over to your seat and began to take a seat. A sharp pain shot all over your butt as you jumped up. Looking down at the chair, you could see there was a thumbtack facing up. Laughter came from the other corner of the classroom as you saw your usual bullies enjoying your suffering.

Moving the thumbtack off your chair, you took your seat just as the teacher walked in and commenced his class. The rest of your day continued with much of the same. Dumb pranks being pulled on you while everyone else's just ignored it.

Your walk home was calm for once as you managed to avoid all the other students leaving. As you saw the familiar outline of your home, you noticed the mailman dropping off your stuff in the mailbox. Seeing him made you excited, so you decided to run the final stretch to your home.

Once home, your hand opened the mailbox and pulled everything out. Grocery store fliers, bills stacked on top of everything. Despite looking for a few seconds, your excitement never dissipates, and for good reason.

At the bottom of the pile, a letter addressed to you could be found. From the handwriting alone, you could already tell who sent you this. Running into your home, you closed the door behind you and ran up to your room.

Closing the door, you jumped on your unmade bed and ripped open the cover.

Hi Porter. I hope your family is ok. I'm sorry you have been struggling with bullies at school. I want to tell you something my own parents told me. They said people who bully others normally have a horrible life at home. They just do it to make others feel how they feel. Keep that in mind, they are just sad about their own lives.

Let's talk about something else to distract you. I recently heard some music that I think is cool. It's called K-pop. I'm Korean so I know what they are saying but you might not. Either way, the beats are great. Check it out. I recommend 2NE1.

I have to get going but I'm looking forward to hearing from you port. Take care, please.

Love Jen

A large smile was plastered on your face after hearing from your best friend. Before you write something back, you decide to turn on your computer and go on YouTube. Typing in the name Jen gave you, you saw a couple of options pull up for this group.

Easy to say you were a bit reluctant to even listen to this music but Jennifer never did you wrong. Clicking on the first song, you noticed the title was Fire. The loud EDM-style beat started playing in your ears. Your head began to bop to the beat despite not understanding all the words. After a minute your whole body began to dance along to the video. It was official, you were hooked with just one song.

The rest of your afternoon was you going on a K-pop binge. Jumping all around from all these different artists, having fun. After a few hours, you heard a knock on your door it opened.

"Porter. Dinner is ready. Also, what's with all the noise in here?"

"O-Oh, nothing mom. I was just getting ready to write back to Jennifer."

"Well just write up your letter and then come down for dinner. Ok?"

"Ok, mom."

As the door closed, you made your way back to your desk and got to writing.

Hey Jen.

I'm not even gonna lie. That music was so fun to dance around with. If you have more recommendations then let me know.

Thank you for saying those nice words also. You're my best friend and I appreciate it. Mom came and told me dinner is ready so I should head down. I will talk to you in the next letter.

Bye, from Porter.

As you ended the letter, you quickly folded it up and put it in an envelope. All of your envelopes are already stamped and ready to be sent with how often you talk to Jen. Walking downstairs with the letter, you placed it down on the table next to the front door and made your way over to the kitchen.

Your best friend really did help distract you from some of the bad things in life.

To Be Continued......

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