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Kendall was frantic. She finally arrived home at 6 AM, to a space that reminded her of Denver. Where is she? She approached nearly every person in the club, asking if they had seen Denver leave. Nobody had. Kendall asked Oscar to check the security cameras, and conveniently, they had no signal for an hour before, and an hour after Kendall lost sight of Denver.

Kendall slumped down on the orange loveseat that Denver picked out when they moved in together. They bought it from a recent college graduate who was moving back home to Utah. The two girls managed to lug it all the way from the dorms down the street to their tiny home. It look them 20 minutes to drag it two blocks, but they sure had fun. They made it to the curb outside of their house, and realized that it did not fit through the door. They had to take the whole thing apart and we're too tired from laughing and lugging it home that they sat on the floor instead of putting it together.

Kendall pulled out her phone, sending her 100th text of the night: "Denny - If you went home with that guy, it's okay, please just text me and tell me you're safe. I'm really worried about you." After she sent the text, she sat for awhile, hoping to see the three dots pop up on her screen.

After what felt like an eternity, she put her phone on the coffee table, picking it back up to make sure her sound was on, checking her texts again, and setting it back down. She did this multiple times until she finally realized it was pointless. If Denny did go home with someone, she would definitely still be sleeping at this hour. It was only 6:15 in the morning.

Kendall pulled herself from the couch, grabbed her phone and walked to her bedroom. She pulled her dress off and put on an oversized t-shirt before crawling into bed. She laid there with her phone on her chest. Finally she drifted off to sleep...

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