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"And when did you see her last?" The officer asked, holding a small notepad in his hand, leaning against his desk. He held the pen up to his lips and held Kendall's eye contact as he waited for her response. "It must have been sometime between 12:45 and 1 this morning. She was dancing with a man in the bar. He looked like he was going to try and take her home, but Denny never goes home with anyone." Kendall broke the strong eye contact. Sgt. Christensen, his badge read. Kendall and Denver knew him as Josh. They went to school together. Josh married his high school sweetheart, Macie, as soon as they graduated. Kendall's older sister was one of Macie's bridesmaids.

Kendall gave him the rest of his questions, sure to give him every detail. "Thank you, Kendall. We will do everything we can, but if you hear anything, or she turns up, please call me. Do you have my cell phone number?" He asked. "If it's the same number you've always had, I think I do." Kendall pulled out her phone, turning it to show him the contact on the screen. "Yes, that's still my number." He said with a gentle smile. "Thank you, Sargent Josh." He smirked at her tease. The one that got away, he thought.

As Kendall and Oscar walked back to the car, his phone rang. It was an unknown number. He showed Kendall the screen, and she urged him to answer it.
: "Hello?"
"Meet me in the alley behind 1274 Cooney Street." She whispered. "I will tell you everything I know." The unknown woman responded.
"Who is this?" He stopped walking half way across the quiet road, turning towards Kendall with a confused look on his face.
"I was in the bar last night, and I am pretty sure I know where your friend is. Meet me there in twenty minutes." She sounded like she was in a tunnel, every word echoing slightly through the phone.
"What's your name?" Oscar asked. "How do I know I can trust you?"
"My name is Wren. I know the man that Denver left with last night." She said, even quieter now. "I have no go, but I will see you soon. Come alone." The call went dead. A car honked, and the pair realized they were still standing in the middle of the lane. They waved and ran across the street to the car. Oscar hopped in the driver's seat of Kendall's car, driving towards the beach.

When they arrived Oscar backed into a spot by the ocean. Cooney street was one block away. He told Kendall to stay in the car, and tossed her one of his hoodies. "Duck down, and lock the doors." He said, loading his pistol from the drivers seat. He tucked it into the waistband of his skinny jeans, pulling his blue shirt over the butt of the gun. "Be safe... please" Kendall said, looking towards him wearily. She pulled the hoodie over her head, leaving the hood on and scooted down in her seat. "I will. You too. I will leave the keys with you in case you need to take off. I will be fine." He got out of the car, making sure the imprint of his pistol could not be seen. Kendall gave him a thumbs up, telling him that it was not noticeable. He nodded discreetly and jogged across the street, disappearing around the corner of a tall, brick building towards Cooney Street.

Oscar pulled out his cell phone to make sure he was in the right place. He leaned against the wall at the end of the alleyway, waiting for Wren (whoever she was.) A girl in a pair of ripped, white jeans and a blue tank top walked towards him, head down, eyes on Oscar. She turned into the alley and he followed, praying this was her. She started climbing the fire escape ladder towards an open window two stories up. Once she reached the first landing, she nodded her head and looked at him, telling him to follow. Here we go.

He climbed the fire escape, following her into the window of an empty apartment, there were holes in the wall, sheetrock missing from the ceiling and paint buckets on the floor. "Who are you?" He asked, looking around. "I'm Wren." She said in a 'are you dumb' tone. She was beautiful. Her hair was up in a messy bun with curled strands of brown hair framing her round cheeks. "Why did you bring me here?" He asked. She did not respond. She walked to the kitchen, where there were no cabinet doors, and only one drawer. She opened the drawer, pulling out a small envelope, and handing it to him. She disappeared into the next room and came back with a key. She handed it to him. Oscar looked at her blankly, waiting for her to explain. "Go to Ace Hardware and have a copy of this key made. Do not let anyone see the contents of the envelope," she turned towards the kitchen "...except Kendall." He furrowed his brows, "you know Kendall?"
"No," she replied, "but I know Denny, and she talks about Kendall constantly." Oscar was confused. "Where is Denver? How do you know her?" He asked. She did not respond, sliding her hand across the counter top, wiping some dust from the surface. "School." She said. "Now go." She never turned towards him. "Where do I go? What is this key for? Why do I need to make a copy?" He still had so many questions. "I need the key back." She turned, looking at him like he was stupid for asking.
Wren walked towards the window, stepping out and climbing back down the fire escape. Oscar stood there in awe of that encounter. What made her think that was enough information? How would this envelope and key help? He felt the urge to run back to the car, and as soon as his feet hit the pavement he took off sprinting. Wren was long gone.
Kendall unlocked the doors as Oscar reached for the handle. He got in, tossed the items onto Kendall's lap and unloaded his pistol. "That was confusing, crazy, insane, strange... I don't even know." He didn't know what to say. "What's in here?" Kendall asked, holding up the sealed yellowing envelope. It looked stained. Coffee, maybe? "Let's go back to my place and open it." Kendall stated. It was 11 am now. If I don't hear from her soon, i'm going to have to call my aunt, Kendall thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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