Chapter Four

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It was late; she was supposed to fall asleep but knew something was wrong. She could feel it. She carefully peered her head out of her room.

Zera saw Padme standing at the window, looking out. She watches as C-3PO walks toward Padme.

"The chancellor's office indicated Master Anakin returned to the Jedi Temple.

The droid saw how her face was filled with pure worry. "Don't worry. I- I'm sure he'll be alright."

Zera walked out a bit further, and her eyes filled with tears when she saw it. The Jedi Temple was burning, and terror took over her face. The redhead couldn't understand. What was happening? Where was Anakin? Was he okay? Was everyone else OK?

Zera looked up and saw Padme start to cry. She didn't know what to do; she stood there frozen in her place,

Watching as the Jedi temple burned and listening to Padme cries

At some point, Zera could finally move; she went back into her room, hoping, praying it was all just a horrible dream, but she knew it wasn't.

Tears started streaming down her face. Too young to understand what was happening.

Padme had spent the better part of the predawn hours simply staring over the city toward the plume of

smoke from the Jedi Temple.

Zera watched as the ship docked and the cockpit opened, revealing the Jedi inside, Anakin. The redhead watched as Padme ran to him, hugging him.

"Are you okay?" the worry in her voice was evident.

"I heard there was an attack on the Jedi Temple;

You could see the smoke from here."

"I'm fine. I'm fine," he said softly. "I came to see if the three of you are safe."

"What's happening?" Padme questioned

"The Jedi have tried to overthrow the Republic."

He said with a severe tone of voice.

The disbelief in Padme's eyes was evident. "I can't believe that."

"I saw Master Windu attempt to assassinate the chancellor myself."

"Oh, Anakin, what are you gonna do?" he looked

down and turned away. She looked at him with worry

in her eyes.

"I will not betray the Republic." Now, looking back at her, "My loyalties lie with the Chancellor, and with the Senate, and with you."

"What about Obi-Wan?"

"I don't know. Many Jedi have been killed. We can only hope he's remained loyal to the Chancellor."

"Anakin, I'm afraid."

He grabbed the side of her side. "Have faith, my love. Everything will soon be set right. The Chancellor has given me a very important mission.

The Separatists have gathered on the Mutsafar.

System. I'm going there to end this war. Please wait for me till I return. Things will be different. I promise"

Padme nodded, and he pulled her in for a kiss.

"Please wait for me," he said, returning to his ship.

After he had gone, Zera walked out to where Padme was. She could feel something was not right.

Authors note: Act One is almost over and I couldn't be more fucking glad

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