Hall of Honor

340 29 28

This piece is for my heart from my heart,
Mama was adamant to cherish every positives,
She taught me to be grateful for even a grain,
Here I'm for my peace of mind.

From an aspiring poet's heart,
Thank you for visiting my galaxy of constellation,
A special gratefulness for stargazing every and each stars,
A heartfelt gratitude for your inputs on my space.

Spend a lot of time waiting for any critique,
The harsher your words, the better my rise.
Don't kill me with sugar-coated words,
Stab with truth so as to bleed and recover into best.

Once again and till the end,
A sincere thanks for reciting my life story,
And being there unknowingly but definitely,
Ya'll deserve a place in my constellation.


Notable dates:

• Started:- 4 September 2023
• Reached 50 reads:- 8 September 2023
• 50 votes:- 9 September 2023
• 100 reads:- 9 September 2023
• 100 votes:- 10 September 2023
• 200 reads:- 10 September 2023
• 300 reads:- 11 September 2023
• 400 reads:- 11 September 2023
• 500 reads:- 11 September 2023
• #1 #poetry:- 11 September 2023
• 1k reads:- 8 October 2023

• Started:- 4 September 2023• Reached 50 reads:- 8 September 2023• 50 votes:- 9 September 2023• 100 reads:- 9 September 2023• 100 votes:- 10 September 2023• 200 reads:- 10 September 2023• 300 reads:- 11 September 2023• 400 reads:- 11 September 202...

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1. Lovewinx101

Like your name, you're a fairy.
Your Teardrops paved a way for my constellation.
Found you through awards,
Judging your book gave rise to my own.
For the awards, I'm grateful,
Meeting you and Teardrops was the best.
I'll forever be waiting for your words,
Can't believe we're at this stage,
There was a time when you awaited my judgment,
Look how the tables have turned

2. Never_no_to_food

Don't know you but thankful to you,
Spotted notifications of your votes,
Anticipated for a comment but grateful for votes,
A hidden crave to get to know you.

3. grzywkakucyka

A special nod towards the first vote,
Your vote on Constellation changed everything.
You were a shadow reader, but I followed you,
Found you residing in a beautiful world,
A romantic vibe is what you crave.
May God bless you with everything.
This is a thank you for that one vote,
You're the first to open the world of Constellation.

4. taicardi

God sent you to me for us,
When writer's block loomed, you entered my life.
Your request for a read changed my block,
Your Transition dug up my Apus and Aquarius,
Transition is digging up many more.
Life didn't throw lemons at me,
It threw you in the form of a DM.
Forever grateful for your inputs,
They improved me for the best.
Can never forget the first comments,
Can never forget you're the first to help,
For that I'm writing highly of you,
Even though you deserve a novel of appreciation.

5. violetsadowski

Through the fog of poetry collection,
You accidentally discovered my constellation,
Voting for the three pages of my life,
You entered my life and hence in my hall.
God paved a way for you to me through a mystery,
Only you and God know how you found me,
But for you, I'm deeply honored,
I'm writing this note for spending your time with my constellation.

6. FinyJohnson

To the new Wattpad soul, an Aquarius star,
Recommended my book from near and far,
Your comments are sweet, encouragement pure,
The first to notice changes, that's for sure.
You saw the shift in rhyme, structure anew,
In my poetic universe, your insights grew,
You reached out with warmth, a friendly hand,
In this vast literary sea, you made land.
Aquarius, bearer of water's graceful flow,
Your words like a river, they ebb and they glow,
You've brought a fresh light, a breath of the air,
To my Wattpad world, I'm grateful you're there.
Your presence, a constellation in my sky,
As we journey through chapters, you and I,
Thank you for joining, for making it known,
Together, in this literary cosmos, we've grown.

7. swee-ty

For Snow, a heart as pure as driven snow,
Gratitude in every word I wish to show,
Your kind promotion, a gesture so profound,
In the realm of friendship, you've me spellbound.
In the vast universe of Wattpad's space,
Your support shines like a guiding grace,
Though poetry may not be your song,
You've helped my constellation along.
So, here's a poem, sincere and true,
Overflowing with thanks, just for you,
Your kindness, like a gentle winter's kiss,
Fills my heart with warmth, sheer bliss.
In your actions, a friendship's born,
A bond that leaves my heart reborn,
Asking just one thing, with a hopeful plea,
Will you be a friend, dear Snow, to me?
For in your kindness, I've found a treasure,
A friend like you is beyond all measure,
So with gratitude, I extend my hand,
To walk together in this Wattpad land.
Your promotion means the world, it's true,
But a friend like you is a dream come true,
In this journey, together, we'll explore,
The boundless stories and words galore.
Thank you, Snow, from deep within,
For being a star in my Wattpad spin,
With this poem, I openly share,
Gratitude and a hope that you'll always be there.

8. 0valeyes

To the user who journeyed through my tale so vast,
From chapters to Aries, you read them till the last.
With every vote, you lent your gracious hand,
A reader so dedicated, you truly understand.
Your message on your board, a treasure I've found,
"It's not bad," your words, a comforting sound.
In gratitude, my heart swells and overflows,
For readers like you, my appreciation forever grows.

9. MissKairosclerosis

This a heartfelt gratitude towards MissK,
Had a pact of mutual understanding and reads,
I'd save Michael, while you sailed 'Constellation's' starry sea,
Each of your votes, a constellation of gratitude from me,
For every moment spent, nurturing this literary art,
Your comments, a melody that plays in my heart's part.
The first compliment, a cherished memory, ever so bright,
You were the first to embrace my name's poetic light,
Your dedication and time, like constellations in the night,
Deserve a place in my poetic sky, shining ever so right.
Thank you, dear MissK, for every poetic thing you bring,
In this constellation of words, you're a cherished star and spring.

10. MuhammadAgusSalim736

To the newcomer on Wattpad, a poet in the making,
With one vote, you set my poetic heart aching.
Joined the platform just yesterday, it seems,
Yet your love for poetry in your reading list gleams.
Your single vote, a gem in my collection so rare,
A budding poet's presence, a breath of fresh air.
In your journey with words, may you find delight,
Welcome to Wattpad's poetic constellation, so bright.

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