Chapter Sixteen: Escaping Third Class

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In First Class, Sarah was taking everything she needed from her safe. She took the diamond from its case and a few stacks of money to help her get by. She got what she needed. And all Striker needed was his gun. Once Sarah had gotten what she needed, she locked the safe for the last time and left for the upper deck. Below deck, the four friends were still trying to find a way out of Third Class. Women were crying at the thought of being trapped down there while people who didn't speak English struggled to translate signs to find out how to escape.

Fizzarolli led everyone to another stairwell that was smaller but seemed to have a better chance. Unfortunately, the gate was locked up there too. Annoyed that they had hit another dead end, Fizzarolli went up to confront the officer on the other side. He told him to open the gate but the officer told him to go back to the main stairwell. Fizzarolli raised his voice, demanding that the officer open the gate.

He just repeated what he said to Fizzarolli a second ago. Fizzarolli looked to Asmodeus who just sighed. Finally losing his cool, Fizzarolli grabbed and shook the gate, swearing in anger at the officer. Seeing a bench next to them, he went to it and started to rip it out of the floor. With help from the other passengers, they ripped the bench out of the floor and started to ram it into the gate, hoping to break it off the doorway.

After ramming the gate twice, it broke off and everyone escaped the Third Cass deck. The officer tried to stop everyone from leaving but Moxxie just punched him in the face, knocking him out. Above deck, everyone was now rushing to fill the boats and get them into the sea. But, as the passengers started to really feel the tilting and see the bow fully underwater, they were all desperate to get in the boats, ignoring the women and children only order.

Men were so desperate to get into the boats that they kept accidentally pushing people into them or climbing from one of the lower decks into the boats. Crewmembers in the boats had to do everything they could to keep people from overloading the boats. The officer in charge of loading lifeboats had to pull out his gun to stop everyone from getting out of control and told them to get back or he'd shoot them all.

It worked but it was revealed that there were no bullets in the gun so he couldn't act on his threat if no one listened. He asked an officer, Mr. Lowe, to man the boat he just had to protect from passengers as he loaded his gun, having a feeling that things might get worse from there. But the launching of boats suddenly got worse as the crew were working too quickly. There was a boat already in the water but they were still attached to the ship as another was being lowered.

Sarah watched the scene unfold as she was trying to get into a boat. Ropes on the boat underneath had to be cut just to ensure the passengers didn't get crushed. As the boat Mr. Lowe was in was being lowered, many passengers tried to climb onto the bat but he ordered them all to stay back, even firing some warning shots to ensure they all stayed back. Sarah and Striker heard the shots, realising that everything was beginning to fall apart. They both started to make their way further down the deck to where Murdoch was letting men and women into the boats.

Sarah made it to Murdoch, wanting to make a deal with him as Murdoch continued to bark out orders. On the top deck, fireworks continued to go off and passengers started to throw anything that would float into the water for those who couldn't get into lifeboats. Fizzarolli, Asmodeus, Moxxie, and Blitzø finally got above deck only to see that all the boats were gone. Fizzarolli climbed up onto the railing to see if he could spot any more boats further along.

Asmodeus bumped into Archie and asked him if there were any boats on the other side. Archie told him that there wasn't but there were some further down the deck. He offered to take them there but all four ran to the other end of the deck. The band was still playing as people started to panic. One of the band members asked what the use was continuing to play as no one was listening. The leader of the band commented that they didn't listen to them at dinner either and to continue playing anyway.

Asmodeus, Fizzarolli, Moxxie, and Blitzø ran past them as they started to play "Orpheus in the Underworld". Moxxie commented on it, saying he knew he was in First Class now. Meanwhile, Murdoch was looking for more passengers as there seemed to be very few in the area. He asked another officer where everyone was and they said that they were all at the aft end of the ship. Just as Murdoch was going to keep looking, Sarah stopped him, putting money in Murdoch's pocket to ensure she got on a boat. She didn't care which, she just wanted on a boat. Murdoch said nothing and continued on with his job.

Still desperate to contact anyone, small lights flashed on the ground of the ship, trying to signal any passing ships. Asmodeus and Fizzarolli were waiting by a boat, seeing nothing but chaos. Officers were picking up women, children, and a few important people as they saw them and filled the boat with them, still yelling for women and children only. Fizzarolli knew this was bad news for him but he just wanted Asmdoeus to get on a boat so that she would be safe. Men were trying to push past to get into the boats but they were told to get back or pushed back. Even more warning shots were fired as things got out of control.

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