Chapter Nineteen: Nearer My God To Thee

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Asmodeus and Fizzarolli ran through the smoking room to get back above deck. The ship was really tilting now, making it hard to run anywhere. But, as they were about to exit the smoking room, Asmodeus noticed Mr. Andrews standing by the fireplace, watching the clock.

"Mr. Andrews," Asmodeus said gaining his attention

"Oh, Asmodeus," Mr. Andrews said seeing the demon.

"Won't you even make a try for it?"

"I'm sorry that I didn't build you a stronger ship, young Asmodeus."

"It's going fast. We have to move," Fizzarolli told Asmodeus

"Wait," Mr. Andrews reached for his lifebelt, handing it to Asmodeus, "Good luck to you, Asmodeus."

"And to you," Asmodeus said taking it and giving Mr. Andrews a hug goodbye

Asmdoeus and Fizzarolli then left, leaving Mr. Andrews alone. And that would be the last interaction he would have with anyone that night. At the Grand Staircase, Benjamin and his butler made their way down the stairs as a crewmember tried to give them both lifejackets. But Benjamin turned them down, saying how they were both dressed in their best clothing and were prepared to go down like gentlemen. But they did want a brandy. Up on deck, everyone was scrambling to get the boats ready for launch while the Captain watched from the sidelines, not giving out any orders.

A woman walked up to him with her baby, asking where she could go to get in a boat but the Captain stayed quiet. He started to walk away as a crewmember ran up to him to give him a lifebelt. But he didn't accept it and walked into the water and into a room where the main helm is kept and shut himself in. As he locked himself in, the orchestra finished the song they were playing and finally saw the chaos around them.

People had started to throw chairs and anything they could find for those likely to be in the water once the ship goes down. The leader of the band declared that this was their last song of the evening. Everyone started to say goodbye and good luck to them all and started to make their way to any boats that were still available. But their leader looked back at the water which hadn't even reached them yet and decided to play one last song.

He started to play 'Nearer My God to Thee', catching the attention of the other players who came back and started to play with him. As they played, the Captain stood in the slow-flooding room, waiting for his inevitable death to come to him. The Captain always goes down with his ship and he was planning to do just that. In the smoking room, Mr. Andrews stayed at the fireplace, fixing the time on the clock to what was on his watch, also waiting for his death to come. He felt responsible for all the lives on the ship and wanted to go with them.

In a bed, an old couple, Ida and Isidor Straus, lay together as their room filled with water. Both had refused to get into lifeboats and wanted to go down with the ship after a long life together. In one of the Third Class rooms, a mother was telling her two children a story to put them to sleep so that they wouldn't have to be awake when they drowned since the mother couldn't get any of them onto a lifeboat. In Asmodeus' room, all of his paintings floated around the room that was filling with water. Above deck, everyone was scrambling to get to safety as the ship started to sink slightly faster.

Blitzø took Moxxie's lifebelt off him and put it on, hoping that it would help him. In the boat Sarah was in, the crew couldn't launch it as the water was too close now. The officer in charge told the crew to cut the ropes so that the boat didn't get dragged down with the ship. On Murdoch's side, everyone was struggling to get one of the collapsable boats upright as the water started to come up to their knees quickly. Blitzø took out a knife and started to cut the ropes keeping the boat attached. In the grand staircase, water started to fill the place with Benjamin looking at it in horror. But he didn't move. Now that the water was starting to consume the deck, the sinking became faster. The orchestra played the last notes and looked at the water approaching them.

"Gentlemen, it was a privilege playing with you tonight," the band's leader said to the other three men.

In the room the Captain had trapped himself in, the water had completely covered the outside. He could see what was underwater as it tried to leak in and the room creaked. The Captain's breath became shakey when the windows suddenly smashed, unable to stand the water pushing against them. The water above the deck started to rise so much that there wasn't enough time to cut all of the ropes to the boats. Sarah got up as the boat started to tip over, throwing everyone out of it.

Everyone started to run to the stern of the ship that was lifting into the air. Some just wanted to get it over with and just jumped into the water. Asmodeus and Fizzarolli were among those trying to stay on the ship as long as possible. Lifeboats were no longer an option for them. For those still inside, windows started to break causing anyone outside to be sucked into the room of the Grand Staircase or struggle to get out of the water. Asmdoeus and Fizzarolli were trying desperately to get to the stern of the ship. Windows continued to break, forcing people inside. Blitzø was almost one of them but he just barely saved himself.

He started to swim away and tried to get to one of the lifeboats. Sarah, who had gotten back into the lifeboat that had capsized, used an ore to stop people from swamping the boat when suddenly she heard snapping. Then even more. The wires that were holding the funnels started to give way, acting as whips as they detached from the funnels, killing anyone who was in their way. With nothing to hold them down, the funnel started to fall, with a few people underneath it. Blitzø being one of them. The funnel fell right on top of them, killing them all on impact.

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