The Dark Lord, The Abused: Tom Riddle:

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                                   (Third Prov)

  Everyone was confused including Tom Riddle and his friends as to why his name was appearing in the movies. He stayed silent being the every observant and smart man in the shadows not willing to do anything that compromised him. His friends looked at him wondered what the heck was happening and if they should stop it. Tom looked at them and subtly shook his head indicating to them not to do anything which caught the attention of the Slytherins. 

  While this was going on Dumbledore, the Leader Order of Fried Chickens wasn't really paying attention. No, he was gleefully smiling as if he thought this was going to help him. 

"This will show everything that Riddle has done including who is evil man that the Dark Lord is and people will flock to me." Dumbledore thought. He was thinking that this movie would show how horrible Tom Riddle was and paint him in a bad light while painting Dumbledore as a hero. He was horribly wrong and in for a rude awakening. 

    The screen started playing and showed a teenage boy more specifically the image of the image of a teenage boy that was sitting at the Slytherin table. Tom Marvolo Riddle. A half-blood. Born to Merope Gaunt, one of the last descendants of Salazar Slytherin and Tom Riddle SR. 

    Tom Riddle was a very important piece in Dumbledore's  games. The so-called Light Lord set up his chess board the very moment that he met Tom and learned he had the lost ability of Salazar Slytherin. 

     Dumbledore's smile went even wider, "Tom being able to talk to snakes was extremely important in making him alienated and seem like he was evil."

   Most of the others including Sirius, James, Regulus, and Remus had caught onto the fact that it said Dumbledore's game and that he had set up a chessboard. All four of the named above side-eyed each other. While Dumbledore was too far caught up in his own thoughts to notice but Tom RIddle did. 

   Tom Riddle was a different story. He couldn't believe he wasn't painted in a bad light by whoever sent the letter. He was more stunned that they knew he was a parselmouth and didn't care or think of him as a monster. 

Dumbledore has a lot of secrets that people have no clue about. One of the secrets that would cause an explosive reaction is his relationship with Gelert Grindlewald. Gellert and Albus were madly in love until Gellert uncovered Albus' true intentions and plans. 

   Everyone at the same time simultaneously gasped at that. The Blacks, the Potters, The Peverell-Black, Lestranges, and Longbottoms looked stunned. Dumbledore lost his twinkle in his eye and frowned realizing that this was hurting him and was not going to help. Grindlewald never wanted to kill all the muggles and take all of Europe. That was all Dumbledore. 

    Muggles are dangerous. They fear what they don't understand and make weapons to kill what they don't understand. They would fear magical beings and try to take their magic. They would capture them and use them as lab rats. Just look at the Salem Witch Trials where dozens of people were hanged, burned and drowned because they thought they were witches. 

   The muggleborns all gasped as they got the reference before looking sick at the thought of it. 

        Grindlewald wanted to keep the magical world safe and separate from prying eyes. In most ways, Tom's original plan was similar to Grindlewald's. Tom found a home and a place where he belonged in the magical world and wanted to protect it like most witches and wizards but muggleborns came and started ruining it with their Christian traditions. Changing all the holdiays from Pagan. Yule was changed to Christmas forgetting that the gods the witches and wizards already worshipped or the goddess herself. 

    A lot of the muggleborns and half-bloods looked down at knowing they were guilty of doing that. 

   He wanted to bring back the Pagan ways that he had fallen in love with when had first came here. Holidays were ways to thank the gods and Lady Magic for their gifts. They wouldn't have magic if it weren't for her and not thanking her was disgusting and a disgrace. 

    Tom only wanted one thing which was to bring back the traditions. Dumbledore kept interfered. He placed wards on Wool's Orphanage keyed to Tom Riddle which included anger, hate, fear, and disgust which festered over the years. 

  Tom Riddle was absolutely fuming knowing that his life at the orphanage was messed with by Albus Dumbledore. His friends and all the Slytherins were same way and kept glancing at Tom like he was going to explode. 

    Years later, when Tom Riddle learned that he had family remaining on his fathers side including his father and grandparents he went to see them only to be turned away before he killed them. Although Tom Riddle was unaware that Dumbledore had put compulsions on them. 

    Tom's glare hardened as he realized he had killed family members who might have cared about him. 

    Dumbledore also placed compulsions on him when he was asleep. One such compulsion made him fear Death. He became obsessed with the idea of immortality. Did you think he stumbled upon a book of Horcruxes by mistake? Since Horcruxes are rare there are no warnings for making one as Tom was forced to do-his soul became so unstable so he just kept making more. 

James looked at everyone. 

"So, he was he was forced to create the first one but because his soul was so unstable he just kept making more?" James asked.

"That's correct." Tom Riddle spoke. 

"The more I created the more magic I lost and the more crazier I became."

Amelia Bones paused from her writing and shot a glare a Dumbledore. 

Lady Magic bound Dumbledore and his magic.

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