Unwanted Family Reunions:

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                                                (1976 Marauder Era)

   Hogwarts had the Slytherins sitting at their table quietly and the Ravenclaws immersed in books or discussions on learning, Hufflepuffs eating and the Gryffindors goofing off especially the Maraduders which consisted of four boys: Remus Lupin, James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew. 

  James was the Heir of House Potter while Sirius was the odd one of the house Black and has a younger brother who is now heir, Remus Lupin who is the resident werewolf and Peter Pettigrew who just trails after the Marauders. 

   On the opposite side is the Slytherin table is a dark haired male who looks his older brother longingly. This is Regulus, youngest of Walburga and Orion Black and brother of Sirius Black. Regulus was doing what he usually did at meals which was watching Sirius and his friends before stewing in jealousy at how close James and Sirius was. Sirius had left him alone with their parents. They had tried to talk to him which he had avoided every time but that didn't mean Regulus didn't miss him. 

The peace in the hall was disturbed when through the doors came Orion Black, Walburga Black, Dorea Black, Fleamont Potter,  Charlus Potter, Euphemia Potter, Acturus Black, Melania Black, Pollux Black, Marius Black, Alphard Black, Cassiopeia Black, Cygnus Black, Druella Black, Irma Black, Morgana Black-Peverell I and Erebus Peverell along with Amelia Bones. 

Sirius groaned before saying loudly:

"Great, It's an unwanted family reunion where everyone wants to kill each other." Regulus, Narcissa, and Bellatrix snorted before Dumbledore spoke:

"What's the meaning of this?"

Walburga looked currently done with everything. 

"You mean you didn't send us this note?" Dumbledore accioed the note before reading it out loud. 

"Dear Marauder Era, 

We have gotten permission to send this back to you. These disks will show you our present and your future where Voldemort is winning because of mistakes that you have made. You will be watching the life of Dorae Lillium Ara Potter-Black. But beware not everything is as it seems and not all your enemies are out in the open."

   Everyone in the great hall sat stunned before there was a flash of light and four people ended up on a heap on the floor. They all stood up before the one with the black, curly hair spoke: 

"I'm Tom Riddle." Sirius and James noticed Dumbledore's eyes widen but no-one else did. The blonde with short hair with short hair went next.

They saw a black haired girl with fine, messy curls and grey eyes.

"I'm Morgana Corvana Black-Peverell." Dumbledore's eyes widened at the voice. His plans would be ruined if she were here.  She went down and sat on top of Tom Riddle's lap as he smiled softly at her. 

I'm Abraxes Malfoy." followed by the other two who were Cantankerous Nott and Reinhard Lestrange. They all sat down and decided to start the movies with the Potters sitting next to their son  and Sirius, the Blacks with the Slytherins except Dorea and others sat on transfigured sofas as the screen went black. The screen came on. 

The Dark Lord, The Abused: Tom Riddle.

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