Murder Of The Riddle Family and My Death: (Morgana Prov)

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 I was put under the Imperious Curse since Tom hadn't trusted me to run from him but I he made not reveal his secrets to the police or aurors. He made me feel like I was in love with him and made only for him with some lust potions he had me drugged on and compulsions was willing to do anything for him. He taught me the Dark Arts while I learned daggers and  torture from the Blacks. 

  He had me be his lookout on his mission. He learned that that his father had abandoned him and his mother when she was pregnant. He stunned his uncle and put false memories inside his head. 

"Stay here." Tom said. 

I stayed behind but I could here the screaming in my mind's eye I could see in our soulmate bond I could see him murdering the Riddle family using the Killing Curse and Cruciatus Curse. I could feel his anger and sorrow at being abandoned and forgotten. 

Finally I had enough and snapped at him. 

"You're the only alone and sorrowful because your family abandoned you!" I yelled.

"Man up and deal with it!" 

"I'm sorry my girl but this has to be done he's evil. It's for the Greater Good after all!" I turned around and saw Dumbledore with a wand pointed at me. 

"Avada Kadavra!" I felt the Killing Curse hit me in the chest. 

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