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It wasn't as easy as it looked being Spiderman.
Especially because nobody really knew who he was.
On the outside, he was known as the "Hero of Hawkins". Everyone thought he was just this mysterious boy, and nobody knew who he was. And the last person they'd think of just so happened to be who he really was.
Will Byers.
The introverted nerd who enjoys DnD and art.
The one who only had a few friends, and was always talking to Mike. Mike, the one who was dating Spiderman, but only Will knew. Even if Mike didn't tell him about every single date they go on and every kiss they have, Will would obviously know. And every time Mike talks about it, it'd give him butterflies.
Nobody knew that it was Will, and he planned to keep it that way.
On the other hand, Mike was probably the opposite. He was extroverted and popular. But somehow he became Wills best friend. Any time they walked down the halls together Mikes "popular friends" would shoot him confused and sometimes angry looks, but he'd shoot them right back. Will felt protected in some sort of way he couldn't explain.
The next day at school, Mike came up to Will to talk about the night him and
"Spiderman" had. Will listend to every word, memories from last night flooding in and making him blush.
"Tonight though, I'm gonna go even further." Mike said, smirking to himself.
Will thought for a minute, and then-
"Wait.. you mean...sex!?" Will asked, tomato red. Mike gave Will a smirk, and Will could've died right there. Mike is gonna try to have sex with Spiderman-have sex with him. Mike can't- he can't know it's Will!
He rushed to his class, waving bye to Mike and trying to not think about it.

"Mike!" Will said, smiling as Mike lifted Wills mask up to over his nose and gave him a quick kiss.
"I missed you." Mike said, hugging Will, who he thought was Spiderman.
Will hugged back happily. And for one moment, it was as if Mike knew it was Will. That Mike was this enthusiastic because it was Will. But Will knew better, and he wasn't going to get himself hopeful over a stupid dream. But...he remembered what Mikes plans were and it made him blush.
Wills thoughts got cut off by Mike kissing him, this time more firm.
"Any thought on taking off the mask?" Mike teased, making Will blush and smile.
"Not a chance, this'll be the closest you'll ever get." Will said jokingly, wrapping his arms around Mikes neck.
"It is getting late though, wanna go to my house? Unless you have something to do for the night, my parents and sisters will be out...so it'd be just us?" Mike asked hopefully, and Will replied with a nod and a smile. Mikes face lit up, and he held Wills hand and began walking to his home. Will gulped nervously when Mike turned away. Mike definitely had some...plans for the night.
They get to Mikes house and rush up to Mikes room. Wills thoughts were racing. Would he have to take his mask off? What will happen when Mike finds out it's him? Will sits on Mikes bed, not bothering to look up from where he was fidgeting with his hands to see Mike locking the door.
"Spidey... Mike starts, getting Wills attention. Mike sits down beside Will, and he puts a hand on Wills knee. "...I was thinking a-about something, and.."
Mike stutters. Will looks at Mike, ready for what he was about to say. His hands shook and he tried to calm himself down. "'know we've been dating for...awhile now, right?" "Yeah.." Will says trying not to make it obvious he was nervous.
'I was thinking and um...I'm...if you're ready." Mike stutters. He was really nervous about this. "I'm ready to take the next step. B-but if you're not ready we don't h-have to!! I'm not gonna rush you or anything-" Mike gets cut off.
"I know. I really think im ready too, Mike." Will spoke nervously. It was true though, he was ready. He'd been wanting to do this for a really long time. He just didn't want Mike to find out who he was. "But I- I really don't know if I can show you who I am yet..."
Sure, Mike was a little upset. But he would never rush Will. It was okay that Will wasn't ready to take his mask off. Of course Mike was dying to know who Spidey really was, but it would have to wait.
"I don't care who you really are. You- you could be a murderer, and it wouldn't change a thing I thought about you. I...I love you." There it was. The three words that both of them have been wanting to say for awhile, but dreading it at the same time in fear of what the other would think.
"I- I love you too Mike..." Will whispers. His hands had stopped shaking, and he felt more calm. He looked up at Mike and smiled through his mask.
Mike lifted up Wills mask to kiss him, and Will kissed back with passion. Mike pulled back after a few seconds.
"We don't have to do this yet if you don't want to, okay?" Mike says. Will smiles softly.
"I'm ready...and...I think I'm ready to take my mask off." Will said quietly, and it was like fireworks went off inside of Mike. Mike nodded quickly, unable to hold back a smile.
"-okay...c-can I take off your mask now?" Mike asks quickly, shaking from excitement. Not only would he be able to truly see who Spidey was, but he would get to go to the next step with him...
"If you can handle it... Will teased, and Mike rolled his eyes with a fake scoff.
This made Will smile, and he let Mike take off the mask all the way. Will looked up at Mike, who wasn't looking yet.
"You can look y'know..." Will said with a smirk. He took a deep breath, calming himself before Mike turned his head towards Will and opened his
eyes. Mikes eyes fluttered open slowly. When they were open all the way, he locked eyes with Will with an expression Will couldn't quite read. Mike couldn't believe it. It was Will. His best friend. The person he'd came to any time he had a problem. The quiet, introverted boy who he had known since kindergarten. And Mike could barely believe it. Will opened his mouth to speak, fear flooding his eyes. But that wasn't what Mike was focused on. He was focused on everything about Will. He couldn't get enough of Will, and it made him throb in his pants.
"Mike-" Will starts, but he gets cut off by Mike pushing him against the headboard of the bed and smashing their lips together, causing Will to let out a small, quiet grunt.
"Didn't have to keep it a secret for that long.." Mike says between kisses. The noise Will makes was like music to Mike's ears.
This definitely didn't go as planned for Will. Will had expected Mike to look disgusted and turn away, but no. This...this was most definitely something else. Will wasn't complaining though, he loved it."
Will breathed unevenly and moaned quietly when Mikes lips left his own and went down to his neck. Mike whispered quiet, mostly sweet things that made Will shiver and whine. Will had never seen this side of Mike. It was all so different and new, but in a good way. A really good way.
"P-please Will...let me make you feel good.." Mike whispers. Will shuddered at Mikes words, he could barely believe what was happening. Will nodded lightly, giving Mike the go ahead.
A few seconds later, Will could feel the pants of his suit being taken off. He tried his best to control his breathing and relax as Mike slid his pants off slowly, savoring every moment. Then a moment later, he felt a warm, firm hand on his member, causing him to gasp.
"Mike-" He gets cut off by a kiss. Mikes hand strokes Wills dick slowly, making Will shudder and gasp.
The hand was removed which made Will a little disappointed, but he knew he would feel good soon the second he heard a zipper being undone. Mike pulled away from the kiss and sat up a little, admiring the sight below him as he took his pants off. "You're so beautiful..." Mike whispers. He reaches in the drawer of his bedside table under a ton of comics to find a little more than half of a bottle of lube.
Will tenses up and he knows what Mike was planning on doing. Mike spread Wills legs and opened the bottle, pouring a good amount on his fingers. He watched Wills expressions, and smirked. "It's gonna be okay...I'll make you feel good. This might hurt a little at first, but I promise it's gonna get better.
Okay?" Mike says, and Will nods, unable to speak.
Will tenses and lets out a quiet grunt of pain as Mike slowly inserts his finger all the way to the knuckle. When it's in, he pauses for a moment to kiss Will.
Mike distracts Will from the pain with kisses and sweet words as his hand begins to slowly move. Will tries his best to focus on the small jolts of pleasure that run through him, and not so much on the pain. The more he adjusts, the more pleasure seeps through. Mike adds another finger, and Will quietly moans. Mike thrusts two fingers inside of Will while kissing his neck and listening to his sweet moans. It's such an amazing moment, Mike can hardly believe it's happening.
"M-Mike...I- mh- I think I'm r-ready." Will stutters out. He's nervous, but he thinks he's ready for Mike.
"A-are you sure?" Mike asks, his eyes meeting Wills. Will nods, and Mike slowly slides his fingers out. Will holds back a whine at the loss of friction, and he tries to breathe. Meanwhile Mike was pouring a generous amount of lube on his dick, not wanting to not have enough for Will to be comfortable.
He looks into Wills eyes, and a feeling of love and lust wash over him.
Mike aligns himself with Wills entrance. He gives Will a reassuring kiss before pushing in. They both gasp as the tip goes in, the sensation was new and amazing. Mike sank into Wills tight, wet heat, and had to force himself not to lose control. Will had never felt so filled before. It was such a good feeling, but painful at the same time. Mike moved in all the way, stopping when he was all the way inside. He waited for Will to adjust before moving.
"M-move.." Will stuttered out. It was about all he could say in the moment. It hurt, but he knew it'd feel good soon, and as long as Mike felt good, he didn't care how bad it hurt.
Mike felt his hips beginning to rock back and forth slowly, feeling intense pleasure from the friction. Even though he felt amazing, he paid close attention to Wills expressions. He knew Will was in pain, and he would do everything he could to make this good for Will. He watched as Wills thighs shook lightly and he smirked. Will breathed unevenly, holding back his small quiet whines. Mike began to speed up, and the pain Will had was slowly being replaced with pleasure. Mikes hips moved in a steady motion, making sure not to go too fast and hurt Will. Will couldn't hold back a quiet, needy whimper, and it did things to Mike. Mike was addicted to the small noises Will would let out every now and then, and he craved more. He kissed Will deeply, letting out a quiet moan himself, which was unusual for him. The pleasure was more than either of them had ever felt before, and it was amazing.
"M-Mike...please-" Will started breathing a little quicker, begging Mike for more. The pain wasn't noticeable, and the pleasure was all Will could think about. Nothing else mattered anymore, just Mike. Only Mike.
"You're so perfect..." Mike whispered, kissing Will and pinning Wills arms up above his head. He watched as Wills face twisted in pleasure, more and more until-
"MIKE!! R-Right there!!-"Will yelped, shaking everywhere. Mike had hit his most sensitive spot, the spot that'd make him see stars. Mike nodded, and he began hitting that spot with every thrust, drawing moans and whines out of Will every time. He began moving faster and faster, and he knew Will was close. He watched as Will shuddered in pleasure, moaning Mikes name, and it made Mike almost lose control. Everything about this was amazing. The pleasure was building up inside of Will, and Mike was right behind him. Will tried his best to wait for Mike.
Mike snapped his hips four more times and he drove over the edge, releasing his hot, sticky seed inside of Will, and it made Will cum hard as well. They rode out their orgasms, and Mike collapsed on top of Will after.
"Woah." Was all Will could say.
"That was...that was amazing." Mike said, breathing heavily. Will was shaking from his orgasm, and Mike was panting.
"We probably should clean up now...

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