Part 20 - Undercover Prep Work

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Wednesday night. Saturday creeps closer. Max seems to have had an alright day. His sketching definitely boosts his mood. He'll be in his lair for hours now, making sure that what he has on paper goes on to the screen pixel-perfect. It's the perfect night to read. My new book just arrived, too.

I did have to make sure Max didn't see the title or the cover of this book. It's still a fictional story, but it's called 'My Brother, My Sister'. I don't think I need to spell out either the theme nor the reason I've ordered this one with full intention of reading it cover-to-cover.

The book tells the story of how an 8-year-old girl notices that her 10-year-old brother is very interested in her clothes and toys. It's an innocent and heartwarming tale where the parents are slower to come to terms with the new daughter than the youngest of the family. It's a little bit funny to read a book like this and know that I could currently be living in a similar scenario. Max is my younger sibling. We are both several years older than the characters in the tale. And yet, there aren't many other differences at all.

In the book, the girl encourages her parents to buy her dresses that are a couple of sizes larger, saying she likes the way they flow around her legs more. They don't suspect anything else is going on, but the boy's joy at wearing such things is touching even just to read about with no visual representation.

It's not a particularly long book or a complex plot in even a nuanced way. There isn't some mad traumatic twist in it where the boy gets sent away to be converted or "turned normal." At the rate I read, it's a 2-hour cover-to-cover job. Disappointingly, it hasn't helped me with Saturday's plans any further.

I should definitely take him something girly to wear, just so he has the option. I read in the book there that the boy was often envious around his sister and her friends. Seeing them dressed all nice just made him feel worse when he couldn't do the same. At the same time, it was never forced upon him. He always wanted to wear the clothes. That's what I don't completely know with Max yet, but I have very strong suspicions that could lead to a solid conclusion.

If I am to take him some clothes, I think I know exactly what I want to take him. It's about making sure we both pace ourselves. I wouldn't want him to start with the pink mini he loves, nor the red leather one he admitted to liking. Those can wait for if and when my brother is more confident and secure about being my sister.

No, I'll pick him something reliable. It's cute. It's definitely feminine. At the same time, it's not glaringly girly. Sure, it's a skirt. All skirts are girly by their very essence and nature. But it's not one that goes 'Look at me, I'm a skirt!' No, it more just says, 'alright. I'm just a friendly neighbourhood skirt. You know me. I'm like the shorts but with one big leg instead.' Does anyone else imagine clothes talking?

It's denim, and that's almost all there is to it. There's a little frilly white line on either side where the pockets are, like the kind of material you would make a wedding dress from. It definitely isn't real lace.

I'll take him a jumper to pair with it. I have a rainbow one with a white heart patch. It'll look super cute on him. Oh. I don't know how I feel about that sentence. It was fine when it was just us. He'll be in public like that if he wants to be. I hope I'm not all talk. I really do want to support him., that's pointless. He has white trainers of his own. They'll definitely do. I don't think my shoes would be suitable at all. I need to let him start slower than that.

I will pack him a little bit of makeup.  I can sneak him into a bathroom for a makeover if we're really quick.

Pleased with my choices, I call Molly to confirm it all.

"Hey, Molly."

"Hi? Oh, Tessa! I'm sorry, just came from my shift, so I didn't even read my phone. How are you?"

"I'm good. I've just been prepping Max's outfit for Saturday. Think I've got it all in place."

"Fab! I'll confirm with Courtney. I look forward to meeting you at last!"


You know, there was a huge thing going around on TikTok and the like. This guy was really embarrassed about his weight and didn't feel comfortable working out in the gym. His friend decided to wear the most ridiculous costumes to distract people from watching him while he worked out, and it got loads of attention online.

If Max is going to be dressing as a girl, he's going to be terrified. Even if it is what he wants, it's only basic instinct that he'll feel really shy about it all. I remember what I was like, and I was just going to the doctor's and the hairdressers! Max has central Edinburgh to contend with.

I look for a loud ensemble in my wardrobe. Something bright and distracting will be key for Saturday. I know which shoes I'm after. I have a few outfits in mind. I know I'll need a lot of bold makeup. I've been a talking point for my looks for so long now that it's something to embrace. I don't mind getting the odd stares anymore. Time to use the power of attention-grabbing for good!

My hands wash across an ensemble I haven't seen for a while - a life-changing one.

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