[!]_On the Road_[!]

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Kai turned up the radio and started nodding his head. He looked back and saw Mary asleep on Audrey's shoulder. He smiled and started humming. Mary woke up, and stared at the slowly rotting Asher. She shivered and watched Kai mutter the song. Audrey stirred and rolled over. Mary put her head back down.

"You mess with my mamma, ya a[ ]s is through-"

A loud scream echoed across the empty road, and Mary's eyes snapped open. "Oh come ON! Can't we get a d[ ]mn break already!?" She leaped into the front seat and shoved Kai into the back. Kai yelped and fell on Asher. "Euwh..." He wiped blood off of his jacket and turned around. Audrey slowly woke up and muttered, "Whaaa..."

"Drive, Mary, drive! They're riding our a[ ]s!" Kai shouted. Mary yelped as another car rammed into the side of theirs. Mary rolled down the window and shrieked, "If you're gonna ride my a[ ]s, at least pull my hair, b[ ]tch!" Audrey howled with laughter. "That was the best thing I've heard all day!"

Kai cried, "Hurry and go! NOW!" Mary sped away, trailed by the Guards. A few minutes later, they were nothing but blips on a radar. Mary hopped in the back and Kai helped Audrey into the front passenger seat. Kai climbed into the driver seat and checked the GPS. "Looks like there's a gas station nearby."

Audrey winced and nodded. She turned up the radio. '...other news, six unknown creatures are on the run and considered dangerous. The last place they were seen was the exit of Laminax laboratories. Be on the lookout. If you have any information leading straight to their extermination, call 1-956-900-0987. One is believed to have a..." She turned it down and rolled her eyes. "What type of bullsh[ ]t is this??" Kai shrugged and pulled over.

"I'm going in for supplies, be careful. Both of you. Especially Mary." She harrumphed. "Of course it's me that gets yelled at." Kai got out and shot Mary a stern look. She went stiff as Kai turned back and walked into the gas station.

Audrey opened the car door and hobbled out. She walked [not easily, mind you] over to Mary's side and picked up Asher. Mary shouted, "What are you doing!?" Audrey said calmly, "Burying him. Get out, he's your dead person." Mary looked at the ground and slowly got out. Kai ran out with supplies and shot Audrey a look.

"What in the hell are you doing? I said stay put! You are in no condition to walk." Audrey rolled her eyes and continued hobbling to the side of the road. Kai shook his head and followed, muttering under his breath. Mary whirled around and slapped him.

"What the f[ ]ck!?"

"I needed to hit someone. Thank you." Kai sniffled and continued following. "Didn't mean you need to hit me.."

{one funeral later}

Mary helped Audrey into the car and got in the front. "C'mon Kai, we've gotta go." Kai stood up and brushed the dirt from his knees. "I'ma comin', ya gremlin-" He suddenly stopped.

The world got blurry, and he fell to the ground in a pile of roses. Mary watched in shock as Kai got dragged off into the woods by someone who looked suspiciously like Asher. She looked around the car and found a bottle of wine. She uncorked it and took a swig. "What in the holy Aria..."

Audrey looked back, the same expression on her face. "Was that..." Mary slowly opened the car door and grabbed a shovel. "Let's find out. She ran over to the grave site and started to dig. She yelped and fell backwards.

"Aud-Audrey!" She stammered. Audrey hopped over and stared into the pit. The only thing there was a picture of Mary with her back turned, and Asher's face in the corner. A large red rose was laid where Asher's heart would be.

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