[!]_Neutral Region_[!]

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Mary flung her hair behind her shoulders as Audrey whirled the car around a sharp curve. Kai groaned and asked, "Are we there yet?" Audrey replied with a sharp, "Shut yer trap." Kai sniffled and turned around.

"Okay, mean."

Asher rolled down his window and yelled, "YIPPEE!" Audrey rolled it back up and sighed. "Does anyone actually know where the hell we're going?" Kai frowned and replied, "I thought we were still going to the Neutral Region?" Audrey replied, "Well, yeah we are, but we're also not there yet. We should've been there a few minutes ago."

Kai scoffed and muttered, "Look out your window. It's civilization!"

Audrey gasped. It was beautiful. Large, polished, limestone buildings spread out across the terrain. Large statues of a masked, hooded figure decorated the landscape. "Welp, there's your all-powerful leader." Asher remarked sarcastically.

Kai barrel-rolled out of the car and followed Mary to a small restaurant on the corner. A waiter smiled kindly and asked, "What would you like?" Kai replied in a sweet tone, "A small mocha latte, please." The waiter nodded and walked into the back. "Soo, it's actually kind of nice here."

The waiter was back in an instant with a cup that read, 'Long Live Lord Hendry' on the side. "Your coffee, sir." Kai smiled and replied, "Thank you!" He walked out with Audrey onto the crowded street and met up with Asher and Mary. "Enough joking around."

Asher pulled out a smoke bomb and released it, sending small clouds of smoke into the crowd. He grabbed everyone's hand and dragged them to an empty alleyway. He knocked on a brick twice and a man with dark brown hair asked, "Sent by who?" Kai stepped forward and replied in the coldest tone he could muster, "Nova." The man nodded and let them go.

They stepped into the brick wall and gaped at the huge tower in front of them. Asher sent a worried look at Mary. She looked at Asher, who nodded towards Kai. He turned to look at them and smiled. "Let's go. We have things to save."

Mary nodded and walked up to Kai. "Do you have any idea what to do?" He chuckled. "Of course." He walked up to the edge of the wall.

"YO! COME GET ME!" Kai shrieked. One hundred armed Guards of the Peace sprinted at him. He smiled sweetly and ran. "THAT ISN'T WHAT I MEANT!" Mary yelled as Kai ran around the Dome. He dived out of the way of one of the Guards and grabbed another shoulder. He kicked off their chest and back-flipped onto another's shoulders.

He flew up into the air and twisted their head between his calves. A loud, sickening snap, crack, and squelch echoed across the landscape. The others gasped and ran. Kai dusted off his shorts and wiped his boots off. "They're taken care of!" Mary squealed happily. "How did you do that?!"

"A lil' bit of extra charges." He said under his breath. "WHAT THE F[ ]CK!?" Asher screeched. Kai rolled his eyes and flicked Asher a 20$ bill. "For your bail, since you mind getting jailed."

Asher scoffed. "Ugh. I don't mind, but we have a serious mission." He threw a small bomb at the top of the Dome and it shattered, sending shards of glass everywhere. He covered Mary's eyes as the glass stung her. "Holy crap, what is this type of glass?!"

(updates to the book are after this lil interruption)

Kai threw his hands up, deflecting glass shards. "I don't know, but the glass is hella thick! Bulletproof, maybe?" Asher nodded, looking around frantically. A large group of guards rushed at them, breaking Asher away from Mary. Audrey rushed at them, throwing a large knife into a guard's collarbone.

Another caught the knife and threw it at a bomb in Asher's backpack. Asher yelped and tossed it away, creating a large hole in the Dome. Kai jumped backwards. "They've got Mary!"

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