September 8,2023
Dallas TexasSeptember 08, 2023
Angels gossip
Shohei ohtani and Patrick Sandoval were separated Thursday afternoon.
Japanese fans that love their friendship began speculation.
What was ohtani and poiema conversation?
Shohei: 一平は音声をチームに漏洩した
Ippei leaked the audio to the teamPoiema: 私は彼に何もしたことがないi have never done anything to him.
Shohei: あなたも私に何もしたことはありませんyou never did anything to me.
Poiema: カリフォルニアに来る前に別れたガールフレンドのせいですか?
Is it because of the girlfriend you broke up with before you came to California?Shohei: はい、彼はあなたが名声のためだけに私と一緒にいると思っています
yes he thinks you're with me just for the fame.Poiema: shohei 2016年に私が最初にあなたにそれは私ではないと言ったとき、あなたはすでに知っていました。すでにご存知のとおり、私たちが実際にコミュニケーションをとるのは9年間で初めてです。もし私があなたと一緒にいたら、彼はその真ん中にいるだろうと想像してみてください。それは嫌だ
shohei You already knew when I first told you in 2016. As you already know, this is the first time in 9 years that we actually communicate. Imagine if I was with you he would be in the middle of it. I hate thatShohei: 彼はすでにあなたについて間違っていると私に言いましたが、あなたが現れたとき、彼はあなたに対してそれほど嫌悪感を抱きました、なぜなら私が傷ついているのに今なぜですか
He already told me he was wrong about you but when you showed up he was so disgusting towards you cause I'm hurt why now.Poiema:
まったく気持ち悪い。だからリトルリーグのワールドシリーズでチームが勝ったのは間違いだった それはどういうことでしょうか
I feel totally sick. So it was a mistake for my team to win the Little League World Series.
Shohei went over to comfort her because she broke down crying.
Shohei: 私は不仲になりたくないのですが、あなたは正直言ってこんなことに値しませんでしたI don't want to get into trouble, but you honestly didn't deserve this.
The group chat has everyone rolling 🤣
Poiema when she read about the ohtani thing she send Patrick a message.
Patrick: unexpectedly coming in he comes throws a punch but I dodge it and so I got mad and they separated us.
Poiema: porque?
Patrick: ippei really doesn't like you
I don't want you near him or Shohei
He's a danger to you .Now i understand he hates you for appearing but it's not your fault or the kids.
You never gave your dignity to Shohei because if you did you would have not been where you are now.
Poiema: finally someone understands I'm glad it's you and not someone else.
Patrick: my family wants to see you
Poiema: really? ♥ when
Patrick: my dad mentioned Saturday the 16th he really wants to see he's a big fan of your dad.
Poiema: 👀 do you remember when actually first met
Patrick: how can I forget Sept 2 2017
Six years nowPoiema: I need to tell you a secret you want to know.
I wrote three songs about you
Patrick: you did and who usually writes the songs
Poiema: my dad but he let me write some
---- zz
Now you be wondering wasn't she in a relationship with her ex who cheated on her during that time she already had her speculation so they had split 2017 she was free and so she never felt that way before with anyone.
Life Does Not Go On with Sho - Shohei ohtani
Roman d'amourLife Goes On with Sho about two individuals whom met in Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters in 2016. She was a recent high school graduate she went to Japan because it was her gift. Fast forward she found out he was drafted in 2018 to Los Angeles Angels. T...