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March 22nd,2024
Arlington Texas

November 2023 they had privately eloped

Shohei signed a ten year contract with Los Angeles Dodgers in December 2023.

Poiéma won the Nobel peace prize 🏆

January 2024

Poiéma found out by a word of mouth from ippei wife over speaking to another person that shohei left to Japan to process a visa application faster to then find out it was because he married a Japanese woman.

Poiéma heard that causing her to miscarriage she was going to tell ippei wife the news she had went out and then went back in act like nothing had happene she didn't know what to believe.

February 2024
Spring training shohei began to act differently she began to have questions and he would dodge them until one day that girl appeared with all her stuff she

Mamiko Tanaka

ようやくあなたにお会いできて光栄です hss 翔平さんが長年の友情を経てあなたについて素晴らしいことを教えてくれました

It's a pleasure to finally meet you hss Shohei has told me some wonderful things about you after many years of friendship.

Shohei a day before the announcement finally spoke with her while Tanaka went to buy food.

明日、私は私の人生を変えるような発表をする予定ですが、実際に何が起こっているのかを明確にしておきたいと思います。 3~4年前、私は日本で女の子に何度も会いました、それから頻繁に話をするようになり、2023年の初めのWBC期間中の行進で、私があなたのチームと対戦するために戻ってきてあなたに会ったら結婚してほしいと彼女に頼みました。久しぶりにまた彼女のことを忘れていました。あなたにひどい目に遭わせて本当にごめんなさい、それから去年あなたにプロポーズして、11月に結婚したのですが、すっかり忘れていましたが、12月下旬にガールフレンドからビザの手続きが難しいとのメッセージを受け取りました。 1月に手続きを早めるために彼女と結婚する

Tomorrow I will be making an announcement that will change my life, but I want to be clear about what is actually going on. 3-4 years ago, I met a girl in Japan many times, and then we started talking often, and she told me that I will be playing against your team at the march during the WBC in early 2023. I asked her to marry me when she comes back and sees you. It's been a long time since I forgot about her again. I'm so sorry for the terrible experience I put you through.Also, I proposed to you last year and we got married in November, but I had completely forgotten about it, but in late December my girlfriend sent me a message saying that the visa process was difficult. I received it. Marry her in January to speed up the process


Tomorrow I will announce to the world that I am married. And now I want to know and started speculating

Poem: 翌日、妻の一平が電話で話しているのを頭上で見ましたが、あなたが結婚するために日本に行ったことは誰にもわかりません。次の数日、私は流産した、あなたは父親になるつもりだった

The next day,  talking on the phone overhead, but no one will know that you went to Japan to get married. The next few days I had a miscarriage, you were going to be a father

Poem left with trauma she dropped excessive weight in January but her brothers got together to gain muscle not let fall into depression although wh3 was going through post depression she miscarried she spoke with her family then the day he announced.

She now back with Mexico soccer team with a new persona tactic personality thriving she makes a appearance unrecognizable.

March 2024

He reveals his wife
Dodgers head to Seoul

Ippei scandal massive theft

Karma is a bitch !!

How ippei talked badly about Poem all her family said karma is a bitch.

Story titles changes from

Life's goes on with sho to

Life does not go on with sho with a new cover

She decided to login

1 failed engagement
1 failed short relationship

Brothers say her relationship was a trial  and error 😂

When she was in spring visiting met up with Patrick sandoval she told him something really bad happened

Life Does Not Go On with Sho - Shohei ohtaniWhere stories live. Discover now