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A/N: honestly the amount of books with the cliché of bad boy and good boy falling in love is overwhelming. So I added some spices to this one so it won't be just another "one of those" books.

I took in a deep breath as I walked through the school's doors holding a bouquet of two dozen roses. I could feel people staring at me in awe, probably trying to guess who would be the lucky girl I was going to ask for prom, some even started to slowly walk behind me to make sure they won't miss it. Moon caches up to me and I hand him the roses taking one out and searching the halls with my eyes, "can't believe you're doing it men." he said slightly shaking his head.
"Oh shut up," I say distractedly as I finally spot Jessica.
"What do you want?" She raised an eyebrow looking at me as if I was nothing but trash when I finally approach her.
"I want to apologize for what happened between us, it wasn't right for me to do what I did and I know that now." I say slowly thinking of him, I'm doing it for him and I hope he sees this, but deep down I knew I was just lying. I did it for myself too, I knew what I did was wrong even though it didn't seem like it at the time. Kids started to take cameras out and filmed the scene with wide eyes, making Jessica enjoy this even more- she always liked being in the center of attention.
"Oh really? So what now, you're trying to win me back or something?" She grins taking the rose I offered and playing with it between her fingers, "because," she continues, "I'm not taking you back you know. We're over." Some kids laughed at that, others screamed 'Burn!' Making Jessica's smile widen.
"No, I just want you to know I'm sorry and I hope you'll forgive me." It was almost painful to say it. And she was just the beginning, I had 23 more to go.
But something changes in Jessica's eyes. Next thing I know I feel a sting on my left cheek. Well, I would've been more surprised if she didn't slap me. "You fucking asshole! You think this is funny?!" Jessica screamed who now seemed angry apparently thinking it was a prank of some sort.
"I'm not joking okay! Calm down!" I put my hands up and she glares at me wating for me to explain, by now everyone was silent.
Taking a deep deep breath I say it aloud, I knew it was what I had to do, and it wasn't a lie. But sure as hell it was going to be humiliating.
" I realized I acted like a fuckboy, and not only to you," I add quickly and she let's her guard down a bit looking confused. "I was selfish, I thought I could change myself if I just did what people expected me to, being popular and all got to my head-" she laughed bitterly and shook her head not looking at me anymore, I knew she still loved me no matter how much she tried to hide it, she was my friend before anything.
"I dated girl after girl thinking it will help, but it didn't. You can say that in a way I used them. And I'm sorry." I watch as a tear rolled down her cheek and she quickly wipes it away looking at me again. "What the hell are you talking about?" She frowns looking less angry now.
"I'm gay."

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