⬲chapter 3

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HELLO UPDATE how you all hope your doing a great and enjoying the week or weekend just a little reminder your amazing and don't cringe in this chapter 😅 there will be smut in the chapter already gave the warning so don't worry anyways enjoy I realized that I posted the wrong chapter 💀so when I post the new one please act surprised 🤪


"Good morning your highness, we are now crossing the ember sea. The guards have advised that you stay in your chambers until we leave this area" the royal advisor announced leaving the room. The embers sea was known for its merciless thieves and pirates. People would talk about how ships would enter and sometimes never come out of that area, other people would say that was where the pirate king resided since its the place where most people say they have seen his ghost ship. Chan smiled at how people feared Changbin in his eyes. Changbin was a child stubborn and often hid his emotions but wherever he was flustered he would throw a punch, changbin loves to give chan gifts from his adventures one time giving chan a diamond ring with a hint of red rubies lining the diamond.

Chan opened the small window from his room enjoying the breeze of the sea, putting his mind at ease enjoying the sound of the ship rocking and the waves crashing on the hardwood closing his eyes just to focus his senses on his hearing a similar song was heard. Opening his eyes he saw a red and orange bird fly towards his window, butterflies beginning to appear in his stomach as he saw the bird land on the window stretching its feathers. Slowly walking closer to the bird, Chan places some seeds on the side as he takes the small note from the bird's leg.

My darling prince

It seems you've got a bit of a problem. Chan is so proud of you for standing up to your father, my perfect prince. You never cease to amaze me, always leaving me on my guard.  I long to be with you again. Everytime I see something beautiful I think of you. I trust you dearly my love but I must ask are you sure you know what you're doing. I believe that you do but due to the random letter while am at the north may cause a bit of problem It may take some time for me to get to you but please be ready my prince we will meet again


Your lovely captain

Chan smiled before placing the letter in one of the drawers, chan turned around to see the phoenix sleeping peacefully after the long trip, Chan smiled before deciding to also sleep the rest of the way.




Chan was shaken awake by the royal advisor who was still in his sleepwear chan still half asleep could barely process what was going on before hearing the sounds of gunshots fill the air starling the prince awake chan grabbed some pants and a shirt before leaving the room opening the window for the phoenix to escape and grabbing changbins ring and whistle. Running out the room, guards ran through the halls preparing their guns and cannons. The royal advisor leading the way towards the escape boats stopped hearing large footsteps.

"Hello boys, pleasure to meet ya... you're coming with me now" the tall pirate smirked before knocking out both of them. After a while Chan slowly woke up in the middle of the deck looking around and noticed the royal guards and crew members tied up to one of the posts. As the pirates chuckled at his confusion but their laughter came to a halt when a squirrel looking man walked up to chan.

"So you're the famous prince bangchan... pleasure to meet you am jisung second in command of that lovely ship next to yours hope you don't mind. Oh and the man that so brutally brought you here is hyunjin" jisung smiled before glaring at hyunjin

"Captain and felix won't like how you treated our guest once they find out" jisung chuckled before looking back at chan. Jisung smiled before standing up looking around before spotting someone.

"Am sorry but why are you telling me your names? Aren't pirates more secretive?" Chan asked, still confused and a bit of anxiety starting to gather up, jisung eyes widened before signaling  for someone to join. Walking out the crowd was a brunette man whose eyes were shaped like a feline walking out the crowd and noticed a phoenix seated at the man's shoulder. Chan's heart began to race, his breath quicking.

"Ahem your highness this is lee know he will be making your visit with us pleasant well somewhat pleasant that is if you obey our rules' jisung smiled before snapping his fingers feeling a bag over his head he was lifted off the ground hearing people shouts as the sounds slowly got lower and lower.

Chan was seated in a chair; the bag on his head was removed, brightly blinding the prince for a split second before letting his eyes adjust to the soft light. Jisung sat on the chair in front of him. Noticing that the two pirates named Lee know and hyunjin were standing behind jisung both minding their own business but still listening to the conversation.

"So your the lovely pen pal our lovely captain has fallen for gotta say, I am surprised , tell me how a merciless pirate king bowed at your feet" jisung asked, sipping his tea as hyunjin chuckled at the last part of jisungs sentence.

"I don't know what you mean"

"Chan... we were in a middle of a battle with another ship when changbins bird arrived losing track of what was going on changbin got scratched with a sword after the fight he read the note and asked for me to come and retrieve you, so let me ask again how did you do it" jisung becoming more stern curious of how his best friend became emotional over a small prince.

Chan eyes widen before explaining the whole story. Once chan finish with the story jisung was brought to tears lee know handing the captain a tissue while hyunjin had sat down and was chewing on an apple also intrigued in the story. Lee know  gave Chan a small smirk before going back to attending to his captain. After a while a knock was heard, Hyunjin getting up to answer it.

"We should be arriving in a few hours'' smiled leaning against the wall as jisung rose up startling chan and lee know running out the room the three followed behind going to the front of the boat to find an island ahead, boats lined around the island small huts placed inside the small forest and a large mansion in the middle of the small town. Jisung clapped excitedly before getting smacked by lee know, chan giggled hyunjin joining in as jisung pouted. Once the boat parked in the long dock the crew began to walk down the stairs

"HYUNGIE!" a voice yelled running towards the group chan tilted his end only to be pushed by hyunjin who ran to embrace the shorter. Jisung laughed before patting chans shoulder leading towards the embracing couple jisung crossed his arms before clearing his throat.

"Ahem... jinnie that was very rude of you to shove our lovely guest, should I tell Felix about your terrible behavior ?" jisung raised his eyebrow seeing the taller tense, the younger slowly raising his head to look at the taller glaring at hyunjin. The younger getting out of the tallers grasp walked up towards Chan before grabbing his hands, smiling widely.

"Good evening your highness it's a pleasure to meet you am lee felix, please excuse the bad behavior hyunjinnie has caused you it seems he has forgotten his manners'' felix turns his head glaring at hyunjin scoffing before return his happy smile back to chan. Chan smiled before waving his hand, Felix smiled at this gesture and went back to hyunjin.

"Hyung.. He's waiting at the manor don't keep him waiting for long" felix smiled intertwining his hand with hyunjin before leading the group to the large manor in the middle of the island children ran through the small town, people danced as music played from the empty barrels chan smiled enjoying how everyone spent their time enjoying each others company.
Arriving at the large manors gates felix stopped before looking up at the guards on the top of the gates.

Waving one down the pirate waves back before opening the main gate of the manor, walking inside chan saw rows of flowers surround the manor building roses lined the entrance of the manor, cherry blossoms on each corner of the gates. Entering the manor the hallways were more comforting, the vibe felt like home like he was safe from his worries the smell was like fresh cookies with a small scent of honey.hyunjin plopped on the small couch in the middle of the large staircase jisung facepalming walked up the stairs looking back seeing if chan was following

"Well aren't you going to see him"

My lovely captain {binchan}Where stories live. Discover now