Chapter 12

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Celeste's POV

Waking up again I could tell that I was feeling fine, though I knew if I used my powers anymore that I would go down hill again. I could sense that Wanda was asleep so I carefully move away and get up whilst stretching. Once my muscles aren't as tight as they were I go towards the kitchen to get coffee again. When I made my coffee I went to try and find T'Challa to see what he wanted to talk to me about. I try and see if I could find him in the lab and if he isn't there I will just stay there anyways since I need to talk to Shuri anyways about the new arm for Bucky.

Just as I was about to walk into the lab I hear some voices one being Steve and the other Bucky from the sounds of it they are either disagreeing or arguing about something.

"You can't possibly trust her?" Steve asked Bucky in what sounded as disbelieve in his tone.

"I know I can trust her Steve. Hell didn't you say Nat said that Seraphina made sure that Hydra wouldn't hurt or harm Wanda and Pietro? Do you know what Hydra would have done to Seraphina if she protected the twins?" Bucky said defending me knowing exactly what would have happened to me when Hydra couldn't get their way with the twins.

"Nat could have been lying. Seraphina lived in Hydra for how long and when she had the chance to escape with you when you did, she didn't. She went back and she is fine but you aren't." Steve said but what he doesn't know is that I am far from fine.

"Seraphina has been through more then what you think and if what Nat said was true, which I am guessing it is because look how close Wanda is to Seraphina and not anyone else including Nat or Pietro. Hell I remember a mission where I was sent to kill Sitwell and you because you were apparently the enemy. I now remember seeing Seraphina save you from one of my bullets and even making sure her bullets just missed her target. Seraphina is a better shot then anyone I know including myself. I know you said she shot Sam but it was just the metal wings so he could glide down correct?" Bucky defended me making me smile against my better judgement. Steve at the last part sounded like he sighed.

"From what I remember there was bullet holes where some joints were on the metal wings from Sam's suit yes. But that doesn't matter she still tried to kill us." Steve said and at this I had enough of listening to him. I burst into the lab making both super solders jump at the noise.

"Don't you also remember the time in Sokovia where I made sure everyone from your team was safe and every citizen from the floating city was safe before I turned the floating city that was plummeting to the ground into dust so that no one on the ground could get injured meaning that the government saved millions of even more damage and less people died. Do you know how long I was out for because of the amount of power I had to use? I left the only two people I consider as my own kids off to a group of superheros that supposedly save the earth but also destroy it in the process. The amount of torture I took for the twins is enough to kill anyone that is just a regular human. I also remember pulling you and Bucky out of the water both of you being unconscious. Had to use my powers to get the water out of both of your lungs so you could recover before Buck decided to try and I had to stop him from going back to Hydra. I gave Bucky the one chance he could get to escape. Do you know what happened to me that day I let him go even when it was my job to make sure he was brought back to Hydra? I will tell you. I was on my deathbed for multiple weeks or months. I am actually pretty sure I did die several times only to be brought back to this fucked up life. It was luck that Strucker decided that he could use my help in training the twins, which saved me. The twins are the one of three things keeping me alive right now. They also saved me from going completely dark. Trust me that is something no one wants." I said to Steve and even I could feel my powers wanting to come out but I held them back only just. Bucky looked concerned and sad when I said that if Hydra didn't keep bringing me to life I would be dead. I know he is also wondering if he is one of the other reasons why I chose to fight to stay alive.

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