Chapter NINE

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Your POV
I was all excited and Giddy for tonight.. Ayato and I are going on a daaaaate~~ okay Since we're going to an amusement amusement​ park. I figured I should wear something comfortable and casual. And so I wore a knitted turquoise sweater and black skinny jeans, I then wore a black scarf around my neck and lastly a pair of brown ankle boots, just because it's cold.. It's close to winter break so it's pretty chilly outside. I hurriedly filled a bowl with water and filled another with rabbit feeds. I brushed my hair up attempting to tie it in a high pony tail but it was not going my way, it always gets either wrinkled or basically just doesn't please me.. I groaned in annoyance as I simply braided it into a French braid.. well this doesn't look bad. I shuffled around putting on lipgloss before answering the door where an Obviously annoyed Ayato stood, I pouted as he glared at me, but his eyes softened as he held my hand in his.

"Let's go?" I nodded as he led me to the elevator.. I sighed letting his warmth travel through his hand. I caught him looking directly at me making me cringe..

"What are you looking at?" I questioned

"What's that?" I raised a brow

"What's what?" He pecked my lips making me turn crimson..

"You taste of eyeballs.... Yumm" he mumbled on my neck.. his breath hitting my nape,
"Ayato!!" I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment. He let out a hearty laugh..

"Damn.. I love you" I uncovered my face and replied

"I love you too... bakAyato" he rolled his eyes at me.

My eyes lit up as I gazed at all the rides we could go on.. my eyes widened at the roller coaster, my heart pumping in excitement... I gazed at the food stalls making me frown.. it's not fair that I'm going to be the only one enjoying all the good food around.. I sighed it's probably the best time to actually tell him about me..

"Ayato! I wanna tell you something" I pulled him along, avoiding people as we go. I pulled him towards the bathrooms, he seemed to be at shock as to why I brought him here.. "I want to tell you what exactly makes me social compared to other half ghouls.." I whispered, my breath hitching in every word. "I don't exactly know what I am.. but, if you eat my flesh, you can somehow eat Human food.. and I want you to-" he cut me off..

"You want me to what exactly?" I looked up at him

"I want you to bite some of my flesh" he shook his head no.. but I wanted him to. So I bit my hand and shoved it to his lips, his eyes were wide, but gave in.. sucking on the bloodied hand. Seconds after, the wound sealed itself shut making me grin "Let's enjoy our date now shall we?" He smacked my head lightly making me whine.

"Idiot! I would've lost control and ate all of you right here right now!.." I rolled my eyes

"And I would've let you.." I pecked his lips quickly exiting the stalls, disregarding my dirty comment. I grinned widely as I saw a red hue on his pale cheeks. I giggled sliding my hand on his. He looked away, this tsun tsun boy is too good to actually be true. I pulled him near the lagoon where paddle boat were, he paid for a boat and we paddled away. Glancing at lover's flirting with each other, I pouted.. since Ayato's really shy, I decided to do the flirting "You look handsome!" He blushed and quickly looked away, he's not awkward when we're alone that's for sure.. but somehow I'm glad, because this way I'll be the only one to see that side of him.

"You're beautiful.... As always" I smiled, but decided to drop the flirting. Instead I grabbed his hand while looking away, we headed towards the fountain, it was said to grant wishes for those hearts in love and I made a wish

"Oh great spirit of this fountain, Here my plea, I want to forever be with this boy beside me"

We admired it should I say, I admired the sparkling water from the fountain until we ran out of time.

"Do you want to stay longer? I can pay for an extensive time" I shook my head no, and we started paddling towards the exit. He held my hand tightly and assisted me out. As I looked at him, he had his head looking away and his other hand scratching his neck, I Embraced him from behind and whispered

"How'd I get lucky with you" He rolled his eyes at me and dragged me to the photo booth and pinned me the wall, closing it's curtain quickly before smashing his lips on mine..

"Stop, teasing me" I raised a brow..

"What?" He blushed looking away... Mumbling stuff I couldn't hear, I giggled "is bunny boy shy?" He growled, smashing his lips on mine again... I pushed him away lightly "bad bunny, you're such a horn dog" he rolled his eyes and was about to open the curtain when I pushed him down the leather seat.. I pushed in coins and smiled at the camera, It flashed loudly startling Ayato. The picture came out adorably, Ayato's face was red holding a shocked expression while I was beside him grinning widely while holding a peace sign I hid the picture before he could burn it.. it was the cutest picture ever.. I was admiring the picture when he pulled me out of the cramped room. We stood in front of a throwing stall

"Choose.." my eyes gleaned as I pointed at a white cat plushie.. it seems to be the grand prize, I sulked, there's no way he'd get that, I heard the clanking of numerous cans, he won....

"You Won!!" I cheered. How amazing can my my boyfriend be? He handed the cat plushie over to me and I Embraced it tightly.. it was cute but not as cute as _(nickname) and Aya-Chan. My mouth went dry as I smelt burgers... I pulled Ayato towards it's stall.. now that I think about it we've been pulling each other along this entire date. I shrugged as I bought two sodas, Two burgers and two hot dogs.. we sat on a bench and he seemed a tad bit reluctant to take a bite but did it anyway. His face lit up like the lights in Tokyo at night.. "good?" He nodded... And our last stop for tonight was the ferris wheel, it was the tallest one in Tokyo. We sat opposite to each other, I admired the city of Tokyo. It's lights, it's tall structures.. everything. "Isn't Tokyo beautiful?"

"Yeah.. the most beautiful thing I've seen" I glanced at him only to catch his gaze on me..

"Did you just call me beautiful?" I questioned.. he shook his head no.. I held my head down in disappointment..

"I didn't call you just beautiful... I called you the most beautiful.." his lips met mine again, but this time it was sweetly passionate.. fireworks erupted on the background but I couldn't care less.. I'm too busy dealing with the fireworks erupting in my belly and of course the cute bunny boy who's arms are securely tight around me to even care of what's happening. They could start the world war III for all I care but nothing can distract me from this beautiful creature in front of me

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