❦ 19 ❦

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"It's my fault he cheated on me. It was way too-"

"Woah woah woah," I stop him, "Don't you -ever- blame yourself for the fact that bastard cheated on you."

"No 'but'?! If he was so stupid that he couldn't see that he got himself the funniest, kindest, tenderest, smartest, prettiest boyfriend ever, then that's his loss. It's not your fault," I tell him.

He looks at me for a second before he hugs me.

"Thanks, I'm really lucky to have a hyung like you."

Yeah...so lucky to have a hyung like me...

"So," Jisung brings me back from my thoughts, "Can I make the first pancake?" he asks, wiggling in excitement.

"Are you sure you want to do that? The first ones always fail."

Jisung slaps my arm, "Just let me do it," he whines.

"Let him do what?" a sleepy-looking Felix stumbles in.
"Make the first pancake," I explain to him.

"We're eating pancakes? Oh my god, I was craving those," he seems to be wide awake now at which I laugh.

As I turn back to Jisung I see him pouring some of the batter in the pan I had already put on the stove. 

By the time Chris had returned, the table was ready and we all sat down and ate together.

"So, what are your plans for the day," Chris asks to start some small talk.

Felix shrugs, "Imma go home, moms' have bombarded my phone this morning, gotta put them at ease I guess."
"Why?" I ask him with a raised eyebrow, "It's not as if you're staying at a stranger's."
"No, but they find it suspicious I didn't come home. Think I have been beaten or something."

I roll my eyes, "Typical."

"Same goes for me," Jisung speaks up, "Or, well, my brother. Plus, I have some matters to resolve."

"I gotta go home too, I can drop you off on the way there," Chris tells Felix, "I don't know where you live, though, Jisung. I can bring you home too if you want."

"It's totally the other way," I tell him, leaving Jisung's mouth open before he could answer, "I'll bring him, I had plans with Changbin anyway."

"Good for me," Chris shrugs, finishing his last pancake.

After we cleaned up the kitchen, we left. 

"Give them a kiss from me and tell them I'm happy to know how much they trust me," I tell Felix as we part ways, to which he nods.

As we get in the car I let Jisung put on some music and we leave.

"What will hyung and you do today?" Jisunng breaks the silence.
"Oh, I don't know. We didn't really plan anything. Maybe just go downtown and stroll around. Watch a movie, eat something. I don't know."

"Still, seems fun."
"How about you? What matter you handling today?" I ask him while turning around to see whether a car will overtake me. As I see it's clear, I turn into his street.

"Ow, nothing, really," he mumbles.

I turn back to him, "Jisung?"
"Mhm?" he looks at me.
"You're a terrible liar," I laugh.

"Sorry," Jisung chuckles as I park and he undoes his seat belt.
Not planning on getting out of the car yet, I ask him "So? The matter?"

"Imma have a talk with Hyunjin," he says after which he got out of the car.

Before I could get out of the car he was already opening the front door and entering.

"Fuck!" I punch the roof of my car with both my hands. 

While running my hands up my face and into my hair I pace around. 

Where did it go wrong? What happened? Wasn't he just in a bad mood due to that boy? Why is he meeting him? What are they going to talk about?

Abruptly I stop my pacing. My hands drop out of my hair.

Does that bastard know I-

I shake my head.

No way, he was way too drunk. He can't possibly...but what if he did? What else could they have to talk about?

I groan while kicking the grass in their front garden.

"If I knew you'd be kicking out grass, I wouldn't have mowed the lawn." 

I look up at Changbin hanging out of his bedroom window, "You coming in or what?"

I sigh and enter, the door still open. As I get up the stairs I notice the string of light escaping from Jisung's closed bedroom door.

I shake my head and continue to Changbin's room.

"Morning, dawg," Changbin laughs, "Hope you had fun on my lawn?"
"Shut the fuck up," I groan and collapse onto his bed.

"Someone seems to be in a good mood," Changbin teases me.
"Yeah, and that someone's you. Not for long, though, if you won't shut up."

"Okay, okay," Changbin puts his arms up in defeat, "Hangover?"
"I didn't even drink."

"Then what's up your ass."
"Your little brother."

"Woah," Changbin cries, "Come again?"
"Not literally," yet, "Don't worry. He's meeting that Hwang scum."

He laughs, "Why do you care this much, he's old enough to know for himself what's good and not."
"Apparently neither of you is old enough to know what's good and what's not good for him. You were that Hwang kid's biggest fan."

"Oh, come on," he uttered, "Can you blame me? He was perfect. Plus, a great chef."
"As if," I mocked.

"Bro? He's literally a chef?"

"Ugh, whatever. What do you want to do today? Seems like you want to hit the gym." 

I look down at my outfit, "If you'll lend me a pair of sweats, sure."

Changbin opens his closet, tosses me a pair of grey sweatpants and takes a pair of black shorts and a black shirt for himself.

"Lemme get us some water bottles and we'll leave," Changbin states.

As Changbin leaves, I put my pants in a bag and follow him.

We were putting on our shoes when I heard a door open upstairs. 

"Are you going to the gym?"
"Yes," Changbin began, "Why? Do you need something?"

"Can you drop me off on the way there? I gotta be at a cafe, it's on your way to the gym. I promise, no detour."

Changbin looks at me at which I shrug, "Yeah, sure."
"Great! I'll be with you in a sec!"

Changbin and I get to my car.

I throw the bag in my trunk while Changbin sits shotgun. 

Soon Jisung leaves the house, running up to us.

He looks great. 

He did his hair, put on a pair of green cargos with a white cropped top and a black zipper hoodie.

As he opens the car door and takes place behind Changbin, a flowery scent overtakes the spicey scent in my car. 

"All right, let's go!" he gleams.

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