❦ 21 ❦

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As I got in the car Sungie and Changbin were already seated.

The car was silent except for Changbin commenting on a random bypasser their outfit.

I start the engine and after checking the road I depart. 

There was some music on which suppressed the silence which filled the car. Looking in the rear mirror, I notice Sungie looking out the window.

He was leaning against the door with his head resting on the back of his hand as he watched the outside scenery. 

Soon we got to their house. The second I parked the car, Sungie opened the door and went inside. 

"Will you stay over for dinner?" Changbin asks me before he leaves the car.
"What do we have for dinner?"
"Nothing," he admits with a chuckle, "Therefore you gotta stay over."

I laugh and accept the invitation. 

We get inside and I take a shower first and get a change of clothes from Changbin. After I'm done Changbin gets in the shower and I go the the kitchen.

I notice they have some chicken, paprika and tomatoes as well as tortillas.

After cutting the chicken I put it in a frying pan and started frying it before preparing the vegetables.

"Hyung told me you passed out?"

I turn around and notice Sungie leaning against their kitchen door and turn back to the food.

"Yeah, I did," I confess, "Nothing major, though. I just feel a little light in the head."

I feel a hand against my forehead. Somehow, Sungie had walked up to me.

"When did he tell you?" I ask him while turning away from him. 
"While you were talking with Hyunjin," he explains, I nod, "Can I help?"

"It's okay," I shake my head, "I'm making chicken enchiladas. It's easy."

A silence falls upon us.

"How was the date?" I ask him.

"It wasn't a date, hyung," he sighs.
"Why else would you go out all looking pretty?"

He smiles, "I'm glad you found me looking pretty. I didn't dress up for Hyunjin if that's what you thought."

"Then why'd y'all meet up?" I turn around after adding the vegetables to the pan.

Sungie scratches his arm while looking down, "He texted me."

"It doesn't matter. He wanted to talk and I agreed to meet up." 
"How'd that work out for you?"

Sungie shrugs and sits down.

"I'm sorry," I breathe, "How'd it go?"
"I don't know, hyung. He was talking about how bad it was going with him now and that he needed me back. Meanwhile, I heard from tons of people he was hitting on everyone at the party yesterday.

Apparently, he even got beaten up for hitting on someone's partner. Still, he has the courage to lie to me like that."

I sigh and take place next to him, "Jisung. Hyunjin is really not it for you. I can't fathom why you even agreed to meet up. You deserve better, much better, than that wannabe chef."
"He is a chef, hyung?"
"Not the point."

Sungie lets out a pained chuckle, "You're right, I don't know why I never listened to you before," his head falls and rests on my shoulder, "If I had just listened, I wouldn't have all this misery going on."

"It's okay, we learn through experience," I say while patting his hair, "At least you know now you deserve better."

"You're right, I don't deserve someone who just lies to me. I do deserve someone who's better than that," he says while looking up at me.

Our faces are just centimetres apart as he's resting on my shoulder. 

I hear footsteps on the stairs and get up, "The chicken will burn," I murmur before finishing the enchiladas.

Changbin gets inside and takes place where I had just sat next to Jisung.

We eat the enchiladas and afterwards clean up together. 

When we're done, Changbin and I rest on the couch in the living room and Jisung goes to his room.

After about half an hour Changbin gets a call from his parents and leaves the room. 

"My parents just arrived but forgot to call a taxi. It'll take just as long for me to go there as for a taxi to come, so I'll go pick them up from the train station, okay?"
I nod, "Okay, I'll leave too then."

"No no, stay. They wanted to see you."
I smile, Mister and Miss Han had been gone for about a month and I had missed them too, "Okay, I'll wait."

"Great," Changbin says while putting his shoes on, "We'll be home in a bit!"

I wave him goodbye and close the door.

"Hyung?" Sungie screams from upstairs.
"Changbin left to pick your parents up."

I get a cup of water out of the kitchen and get back to the living room only to be met with Sungie lying down on the couch.

"You good there?"
"Sure am, hyung," he smiles and pulls his legs up to make a place for me.

I sit down and he lays his legs on mine, "So? How was your evening at the party?"
"Good," I shrug, "The music wasn't really my taste, but it was still fun."

"How come?"
"Well, I was with Chris and Lixie and you," I explain.

"Fair," he says, "I had a lot of fun too, to be honest. I was a little drunk and a little high, though," he chuckles.

"Yeah, true," I answer, not sure where he's going.
"I'm so glad my memory doesn't deceive me, though, when I'm far gone like that."

I choke a little on the water I was sipping, "You do?"
"Yeah, I guess I can hold my liquor more these days."
"I see."

Sungie pulls his legs back and sits upright, next to me, "Did you drink yesterday? Or maybe smoke?"
"No, you know I'm not a big fan of alcohol."
"Neither of smoke," he smiles to which I nod.

"How is that like?" he asks me.
"How is what like?"

"Being sober while the people around you are either high or drunk?"

"Nothing special, I guess?"
"It must give some kind of...ego boost? Right? Knowing you could contain yourself while they couldn't?

Knowing you could do or say anything and they won't even remember?"

"I...I don't know what you're on about, but it's not like that, no."

Sungie's silent for a second after which he puts his arm down on the couch's back and rests his head on top.

"Thanks for taking care of me," he says while caressing my neck.

My neck...I was wearing the change of clothes Changbin gave me.

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