In The Zone

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Here we are! Welcome back to those who have followed from the first and second story and to new comers! This fic is officially here to start and I'm kinda of sad and excited to get this fic done! It's the final installment in this little series of mine so I hope that you all enjoy the ride through this! But I was planning it out and I decided what better way to start it off than with this!

Erogenous zones! I hope that you all enjoy the first chapter of this fic and I hope to hear from familiar faces in the comments! But anyhow, I hope you all enjoy this first chapter! Until we meet again ❤️


Time always flew by. It was never still, never stopping, ever ruthless. Relentless. The march of time continued on regardless of how a singular person felt about it. That was one of the first lessons Shouta had learned in his thirty-two years of life on this planet. Time was a ruthless in its march forward leaving him to struggle along with it. To run along to keep up with it. The morning after the final choice of their list, he'd sworn he could hardly breathe around the lump in his throat knowing that their challenge was officially over.

Even Hizashi had seemed saddened by it when they stood outside watching the piece of paper crumble up into ashes before covering their fire pit to smother out the flames. He'd felt unbelievably sad that not only was their challenge over, but seven months of their lives had been filled with needless struggles taken on by themselves. Time, he found, often worked on their side. Their summer had flown by in a blur of memories; in beach and lake adventures with Eri's hand in his. With Hizashi scooping her up into his arms.

Their son's birthday with the boy proudly flaunting his new status as a year older whenever he could. So much time spent under the sun that he'd found he'd been lightly tanned by the sun. And for whatever reason, it had his husband insatiable. It had his clothes flying off the second they had a moment alone where the blonde would croon and kiss at his tan lines. Unfairly turned on by them for some ungodly reason but he was hardly one to complain. Time had given him the chance to grow accustomed to his missing leg.

For his family to grow accustomed to it. He was more than happy to have spent his summer under the sun with his daughter and son. Laid out on a blanket with Hizashi next to him as the blonde gained and maintained his glowing tan that always darkened the soft smatterings of freckles on his skin. Summer had felt like an eternity. An endless moment in time that stretched on and on for them. Like it was never ending. It gave him a sneak peak of what retirement would be like if they decided to throw in the towels as teachers.

It was unbelievably nice to spend time under the sun with his husband. With their family where he got to watch the blonde shriek when seaweed touched his foot. Or when he would chase Eri through the waves much to the seven-year-olds delight as she shrieked and squealed. To watch the two of them create sandcastle after sandcastle together. How Eri collected hermit crabs much to his husband's dismay. A summer worth of memories where his husband grew accustomed to his missing leg. His missing eye.

Until there was no more of that pity given when he showed that he could keep up. Afternoons spent shopping where Eri got an arsenal of new dresses for her school year. Afternoons in their backyard laid out on the swing with his husband twisted up with him. Swaying together as the night came with its end of shrieking cicadas being replaced ever so slightly by the chirping crickets in the grass. Summer felt like an eternity. A year's length of memories. Days spent sleeping in, swimming, or staying homebound.

Nights to try and get his fill of his husband where he was given that old freedom in the bedroom. Where his husband didn't worry over his stump aching when he rode him. Summer had been an eternity he'd wanted to stay in, but time quickly marched onwards to August where his husband had gotten his final three piercings for his Jacob's ladder done with an additional piercing. He couldn't deny he'd been mesmerized when his husband walked on wobbly legs only to flash a belly button ring at him with pride.

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